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old dirty bastard

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Everything posted by old dirty bastard

  1. Hope your friend gets well soon
  2. Last time I went to Windsor I was detained by a Canadian Border police officer for like a hour
  3. graemlins/thatfunny.gif Thanks I have Pepsi all over my monitor now
  4. I went thru some of my rookie football cards and I noticed I have some interesting cards I would like to price if anyone has this years Beckett football hit me up Thanks in advance.
  5. you are responding you dipshit
  6. welcome to the board
  7. graemlins/wtf.gif I remember(barely) my Beer bong days
  8. graemlins/wtf.gif What the hell are they thinking?
  9. I think street racing is good for some parents that have children they dont want anymore and want to collect the life insurance policy and retire early and move to a warm climate.
  10. old dirty bastard


  11. B to the E that sounds like some graemlins/gay.gif street slang for breaking and entering also thats all the world needs extra "zippy" drunk drivers graemlins/nonono.gif
  12. Thats fucked up man I hope that shit gets worked out for you.
  13. Marc picking fights?I would go just to see that tongue.gif
  14. Thats when being old like me pays off(the only time graemlins/doh.gif )Good luck thou
  15. You fucked up now JR. if a few people getting on you made you fold and made you feel the heat for saying stupid shit about a friend of mine you fucked up bad I'm going to school your punk ass so bad you might need this link when I start on your ass lets break your post down "Go stick your dick in an oven" graemlins/gay.gif If your going to come at me bring better shit. "leave your dog's asshole alone for awhile" Leave my dog out of this actually your flaming skills would make you vs. my dog a better match.In fact I will give your dumbass a free pass until you fuck up again "you wannabe ghetto waste of welfare." Wannabe please bitch I never have tried to be anything Im not in fact that actually got my blood boiling when I read that so I will give a point for that one. Now on to the welfare part Motherfucker when I do something I go at it 110% no hand outs here for you to imply I take hand outs is just insane I have done more in life than what your bitch ass will do your whole entire life. So if you think your youngass is up to it start your flaming or shut the fuck up and be a good bitch. Oh and if you need me to I will send you pics and other shit thru email so your dumbass can think up some juvenile shit to say on here.
  16. There is some good ones on there. graemlins/lol.gif
  17. Nice clean car graemlins/thumb.gif Welcome to the board
  18. Oh oh do I sense some back pedaling.
  19. Hell yeah thats kick ass they caught the thief
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