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old dirty bastard

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Everything posted by old dirty bastard

  1. I second that.Jack your on another level of tool your 1st year ballot in the hall of fame,1st pick in the draft,when you retire your jersey will be hanging from the rafters,retired number and all that shit.
  2. Damn $17,000 for a Ad it better work
  3. M3 def. because your wife will be using it for a daily
  4. Jr. you better leave that mountain man alone
  5. I could careless who wins I never had any interest in award shows and I try to watch as little TV as possible
  6. Thats some crazy shit N20bird selling a honda part graemlins/wtf.gif .Welcome to the board Stephen hows the car running add anything else to it?
  7. I am curious to find out how many of the members of C.R. have served are country(past and present) and what branch you served or serve in.
  8. He didnt say fake ass non tree cutting lumbajack he said hilljack tongue.gif
  9. Was looking around Da internet and found out why the murder rate is down click
  10. I agree in the cold war you knew who the enemy was
  11. Wow I actually agree w/ something you said
  12. Hi my name is T.J.(thats what people have been calling me lately)I'm Old and my mind isnt the sharpest out there anymore(they say because of my age)Well I'm introducing myself because this condition I have alzheimers causes me to not remember much anymore so if I already introduced myself feel free to disregard this as some old bastard losing his mind I would come out to meets but Im not allowed to drive anymore because I drive very slow and my reflexes are not very good.
  13. Thats what im thinking also I was like when did Anthony get a Mustang
  14. Fuck air ride if your going to lift a car do it right click
  15. http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Loft/7592/Pictures/Mase.gif
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