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Everything posted by mrblunt

  1. I 110% agree with Joe. I have plenty of friends that bring their kids to these outtings and more power to them, but i'm not bringing mine to a scene that I consider very unsafe. Cars are constantly coming in and out of the parking lot and there are so many d-bag 16 yr olds in uber fast civics rev'ing their engines (red s2000 kid omg go kill yourself please) and shit. Its not a safe place for kids, period.
  2. And by think you really mean hope? I noticed you looking at me in such a way last saturday.
  3. Yeah, accept instead of being peer to peer like torrents they are files that are hosted on a server.
  4. I was over at a friends house last night and he showed me the wonderful world of newgroups. The speeds of his downloads were a lot higher than what i'm seeing with my torrent client so I'd like to give them a shot. He said that newzbin's website makes searching for them stupid easy. Anyone care to share their login with me for a minute to see if its worth paying for?
  5. He told us they jacked his laptop too. That's probably the reason the tapes got lifted, being in the same bag as the laptop. The fact of the matter remains that it wasn't the smartest idea to leave it in his car.
  6. Jared was in my last semester class at Devry, and has been in multiple classes with me in the past two years. I don't see why he's being pushed to resign, the policy of having one person take home back up tapes is FUCKING STUPID. It was the states policy, not the policy of the contractor handling the action. It doesn't matter if it was an intern or the director of his department, that's one dumb ass policy. When your dealing with sensitive data like that who's to say that data wont be destroyed, corrupted, etc. when it goes off site in the hands of someone. The individuals who designed that policy need to resign, the director who handed that responsibility to a freakin intern needs to resign (if they haven't already been axed). He is an idiot for leaving a company laptop in his car though. I learned the hard way a long time ago and you better believe that if I have my laptop with me and stop somewhere on the way home it goes in with me.
  7. Lol, I came back to see 16 posts and was like WTF? Sam I'm hoping to get things done before a cookout friday night but if I can't we can talk out at the Lube Saturday evening.
  8. I wouldnt imagine it taking more than 2-3 hours to make a couple saw cuts. My base is 3 bricks (6"x9") deep and 5 wide. I plan on overlapping them so they will require cuts on every other row. It sounds pretty easy in theory. I can slide you some money for your time if you don't mind giving me some guidance.
  9. Unfortunately not. I'm going to be putting up the wall and cutting pieces as needed. Johnny's got jokes... shocking! lmao
  10. I'm building a stone retaining wall around my grill and need some of them cut. Before I go rent one i'm hoping someone on here might have one. Additionally, If anyone has experience laying pavers I could use a hand. Nearly all the work has been done to the point that I can lay the pavers I just want someone who's done this before to eye it and make sure i'm on the right page. The space i'm making is about 3' x 5' so its not a major job. Thx.
  11. It's all good, I honestly don't give two shits about this sort of 'debate' and this is the first time in years that I've even posted in an online thread regarding politics. Everyone has the right to their opinion, I just took offense to the idea that if you oppose the current administration that your somehow responsible for the downfall of society and unpatriotic. In the end I won't be losing any sleep over any of this.
  12. Are you serious? I consider it unfair b/c my opinion (that is shared with an alarmingly huge number of people who switched to Sirius when Stern signed on) is just as valuable as theirs. It was just as easy for them to turn off the radio and turn the other cheek. However someone has to get a sandy vagina over hearing the word lesbian on the radio. Forcing your morals on a population made up of a diverse group of people is pretty dickish imo.
  13. I feel like i'm in the episode of South Park when they tried to divide the town w/ a line and force Kyle and Stan to vote. I wouldn't consider myself a Democrat by any means but I do have a problem with being considered unpatriotic b/c I strongly disagree with a majority of the decisions made by the C average student elected as president and his administration. You want to bitch about the rights of people being taken away, what about my right to listen to the radio and enjoy entertainment like Stern? The religious right helped me make that decision. I also like going out with the boys every once in a while and hitting up a gentleman's club, but again the religious right wants to make sure that I stand 10ft away (if they manage to not shut down the business) from the dancers b/c of all the drugs and crime I will bring into the community as a result. Never once has a nice pair of fake tit's pushed me to go hit some powder or steal a car. Some of these fanatic religious groups are like asshole home owners associations. The fact of the matter is someone's right are getting f'd in the A no matter what side you vote for. I don't agree with social programs when they are abused any more than you do. But the fact of the matter is that there are legitimate people who need help and who do not abuse it. Sometimes people fuck up and need a little help getting back on their feet, until your in those shoes I guess its easy to sit back and judge. Heaven forbid there be any incentive to get off assistance (like capping it for those capable people sitting on their asses). I could give a shit if the next president is democrat or republican, neither party is ready to make a tough decision on any of the 'major' issues that most people base their vote on. Don't paint me an asshole b/c I don't support the war or think highly of the president/administration. I don't think your an asshole for agreeing with them.
  14. My girl Jennifer is a flight attendant for Skybus as of a few weeks ago. You can't miss her, shoulder length blond hair w/ BFT's. Harass the shit out of her if she is on your flight.
  15. Thorne is picking it up later. If he isn't interested i'll keep you guys posted.
  16. Small world. He talks about your lightning all the time. Some of the stuff he has done on the medics is pretty amazing. He does really good work. I had the pleasure of having to help move that 8ft cutter into the basement. It took about 6 grown men to wrestle that thing downstairs. Good times.
  17. My brother-in-law runs Columbus Signworks. Hes off Old State Rd in Lewis Center. http://www.columbussignworks.com/
  18. Theres one on RC's website I believe.
  19. Nope, the new grill I bought didn't come with one so i'm using it until the hvac guy gets over here to convert me to natural gas. You can have it after that
  20. Thermos 5000 grill. Works well, its not beat up. I'll clean it a little better than whats pictured. Push button start does not work. Looking for a $15. http://www.columbusdsm.com/Chadspics/Grill.JPG
  21. mrblunt

    Need Help-Trains

    I've driven through Nelsonville a few million times and always pass what looks like a scenic train tour right behind the Rocky Boot Factory. Its only about a 45 minute drive from Columbus iirc.
  22. Being a UK fan I would have loved to seem him coach the team. Your right though, those people in Kentucky are as passionate about the Cats as we are here with the Buckeyes. I think he made a wise decision for his pocketbook, although his career would have probably been longer at the college level. Hope he doesn't turn into another Patino.
  23. Why do asian girls having sex always look like they are getting sodomized by a horse? That movie only proves that asian guys are tiny, not a single girl was bouncing up off their dude. I guess its not how deep ya fish........
  24. Good find. They have some good deals on that site. My buddy bought a 720p Insight projector on there today for 499, during the Woot Off. I pondered it for a while but decided to wait and see how his looks.
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