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Everything posted by OsuMj

  1. yeah... I usually scope out the bikes on campus and I dont remember seeing yours anywhere... yeah, that comes across a little stalkery, sorry about that

  2. I would do it depending on the date... I dont have a gun.... .... ???
  3. oh.... hahaha, reading fail... sorry jaYson
  4. Jason, you learn fast kid... I dont listen to a word that Jrm says anymore... not that i ever did in the first place. porter... grain of salt? problems buddy? :D
  5. I dont run in the cold unless its a race... 5k event or something. I hate wearing sleeves and pants when I run, so I usually just stick to a hat & gloves.... I hate how restricted I feel with the excessive winter clothing. t-shirt and shorts are the way to go for me.
  6. omg, I totally was thinking this earlier today.... I was like "hrm, wonder if anyone reads this as hogging"
  7. are you an osu person?

  8. I dont know if i'm doing it right, but I've cut back from my past typical daily diet: -fancy med. coffee -1 or 2 fast food items -random snacking (fruit snacks, chips, etc) -BDubs, chipotle, steak n shake, or equivalent my typical daily diet now: -med coffee (fake sugar lowfat milk) -bagel with light creme cheese -sandwich (usually ham & cheese or roast beef & cheese) -random vegetable or fruit -granola bar or a small handful of chips (can't cut out all the fun) -random dinner dish, chunk of meat of some sort and noodles or taters or similar item -something small and sweet... like cookie or something, but SMALL I still go out to eat a lot, and when I'm craving chipotle, I just make sure that I have some leftover to eat later when I'm hungry again. I dont eat to lose weight though. If i work out, I eat more. I dont think my diet is all that healthy now that I'm looking at it.... might want to up my fruits and veggies intake....
  9. You might want to anyway, just for good practice... .wait till we're all present though for that extra bit of embaressment. thanks.
  10. you catchin a cold honey? :D

  11. so... I was gonna rearrange letters in peoples names for the guest list, for my own amusement of course, and I realized that CASPER rearranges to REP SAC. Coincidence? I think not.
  12. I just called Paninis and they said that if the fundraiser says all domestic drafts its miller light, coors light, and keystone (lol keystone)... should be fine :D

  13. you watchin some Toy Story lately?
  14. mmmmeeee tooo. on wednesday if that's ok.
  15. mmmk, my friends said no bc last time they went to one of these fundraisers there wasn't enough pizza and they were served nati..... :eek: anyway, I'm still in.

  16. I'll be sure to mention to your gf that you may or may not view her as an "'ol dog" that needs trained....
  17. lol.... mmmk I wouldn't start for another 2 weeks prolly (finals and whatnot )
  18. I'm in...$10 right? I haven't asked my friends yet....

  19. I think you might have inspired me to maybe start exercising again...
  20. that seems about right you can definitely bring the gf. Just let me know, I'm going to attempt to make reservations If you wanna give me your food order and show up 15 mins late, you could do that There's moose!!!
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