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Everything posted by OsuMj

  1. its name is bubba, unless it has the british voice, then its edward.
  2. link is ok.... no clue on the song
  3. Audio information for this video Artist:Shaunna Hall Song:En - Dust Album:Electrofunkadelica Time:05:08 Genre:Metal http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytUCHOO7Nes ^^ I like this vid.... same music
  4. I've had mine for a year and haven't updated yet.... has only messed up directions once. I was trying to get to pablo's restaurant and it took me to some guy's house in the burbs. he was raking leaves... I pulled up, rolled down my window, and asked if he was pablo... jk, but it did take me to the burbs when I was looking for a restaurant.
  5. I've only heard of ani difranco... and no.
  6. hrm... so which ones on there were good? or good enough to download... in your opinion
  7. I love this generalization... moar plz.
  8. glad I'm not the overly curious type...
  9. I thought that when I woke up at 4:30 am feeling well rested....
  10. yeah i dont think its real. If it were, she woulda broke it a lot worse... crazy people dont do little amounts of breaking. And, any guy in their right mind, seeing that, would tell that girl to get the hell outta there.
  11. free maps huh.... I have a tomtom... the only thing that drives me crazy about it is that it doesn't tell me what the next street is until about a mile away. So if I'm driving and I want to see the next street, I have to touch the screen, then hit two more buttons, then I can view my route by text or map, but I'm driving, I dont want to have to mess with hitting the right button and whatnot.... It would be sooo much easier if I could just move the current screen map.
  12. my phone died so I never got an alarm to wake up.... hahaha
  13. I'll go... let me check on my friends too... I dont like Paninis too much (I dont know why :-/), but it sounds like it'll be a good time
  14. OK, and am I also the only one that think the singer sounds like dracula when he says "dick-a" ???
  15. yeah... "Flake as Heeshie" 2:39 to be exact.... am I really the only one that noticed that??? hrm.
  16. lol... no more specifically, one person with BOTH. ... I'm gonna re-watch
  17. OH, hahaha, didnt realize it was a firearms thread.... the thread title says "Black Friday Deals".... oops
  18. OOOOH, I could go for a few good beers as well.... Its nap time, but keep me updated and when I wake up, I'll come out
  19. was there a person with boobs and a cock in that vid?
  20. I might go out... I just ate dinner, might take a little nap, go in to work, then when I get bored I'll probably go out
  21. We should do another one tonight... you know like, After Black Friday Drinking....
  22. I'll post some pics of my multimeter and shopvac.... from the sears website http://www.sears.com/shc/s/p_10153_12605_03482141000P http://www.sears.com/shc/s/p_10153_12605_00917713000P?keyword=craftsman+shop+vac You don't get any pics from the Kohl's website though, their site has apparently been down off and on today bc of so much traffic... crazy
  23. there has been a lot of threads complaining about women lately...
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