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Status Updates posted by OsuMj

  1. I didn't make any promises :)

  2. OsuMj

    no new bike yet... maybe by thursday??

    nice pic by the way, you guys still tryin to see who's wittier??

  3. :lol: you missed me! nobody around to challenge you or make you turn into a whiney little girl... :) Its ok bubba.
  4. nah, I came to work today, so I have my car... thank you though!! :)

  5. psh, I wish I could. I have a lot of work to do before thanksgiving :( My teachers make it so that they have an easy holiday and dont have to grade anything till after thanksgiving.

  6. :lol: hate that word. lol
  7. hey nice seeing you again too! I got so excited about mopping floors, I went home and mopped every linoleum surface in my apt!!! :)

  8. its weird... i still hate you...

  9. will do.... :D I'm pretty sure he's gonna be awesome.... lol. we'll laugh extra hard to make up for you not being there

  10. you're so jealous... how cute. :p

  11. OsuMj

    heeey, just noticed a nice correction you made in a for sale thread after i hurt a ninja kids feelings... thanks! :)

  12. I'm pretty good. I've been packing and moving while I still can :) what about you. How are you feeling??? :)

  13. meh, its getting there. I noticed today that she removed the cooking racks in the stove, so I can't use the oven.... and my furnace is broken, so no heat.... buuuut other than that, not bad :)

  14. idk if i said this before, but the girl in your avatar looks exactly like a girl i went to high school with....

  15. Hey! We saw you guys shooting in the back... I'm impressed! I like my targets stationary :)

  16. Come to coshocton!!! :lol: No, seriously, on the 26th, come to coshocton. hahaha

  17. i'm not talented enough to wink and stick my tongue out at the same time :(

    You're up late... or early

  18. you're never actually on the internet when i feel like talking to you. This relationship isn't going to work out.

  19. I wanna see this awesome warehouse that all of our stuff magically appears from...

  20. :) yeah, he sent me a message on facebook! Small world! I figured it was you. So you go to school with him now?
  21. idk.

    I might be there... i'm pretty busy. I got a new apartment and I have to move... its gonna suck. I have to scrape up the money for the deposit, the first months rent, and the parts to make my bike run all nice again :) ... then I might be there... ;)

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