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Everything posted by OsuMj

  1. I would, but i'm getting ready to head out. I have a friend with a birthday celebration and one that's in town from florida and i have to hang out with them both tonight... sorry :-/

  2. Johnny Rock Page coolness = NitroNick coolness.


  3. I got a cigarette flicked at me last night while some idiot was messing with his GPS, didn't even realize I was behind him. I think the part that irritated me the most is when I pulled up next to him to show him that he just threw something at me, he still wasn't paying enough attention to even realize i was there.
  4. oh gawd, jean shorts. *edit* I offended someone with this comment... which i think is funny as hell... buuut, to clarify it was sarcasm, as in the least wrong thing in this picture is the jean shorts and I was acting like it was the most wrong thing... I feel like i'm teaching borat.
  5. hrm... maybe if i buy another one i'll sell it. I need a spare.
  6. I appreciate that! You were a total life saver at the last ride... I didn't realize how much attention my kawi needs. I think it'll make a nice winter project - getting rid of the zip ties that is. You're still upset about that? OH, and no, i'm not coming, I have 'family cedar point day' on sunday.
  7. The cencus bureau says that the black population is roughly 13-14%... 50-50 split for men-women, that would actually put her closer to ~7% of the population. Now as far as the jokes go, you say "wow that must have taken you all night to come up with, because I haven't already heard that 50 times before" then make the person who thought they were being clever sound like an ass. As long as that rant made you feel better,
  8. I was planning on putting my in the laundry room until my sister offered to come pick it up and put it in their garage.
  9. ...? ... good to know... i think
  10. no... i must have been off getting vodka. lol... but seriously, no i dont remember any of that.
  11. Yes! I fooled Verizon... !!

  12. Oh justin, the things you post... btw, i'm suprised you're still awake... isn't it past your bedtime old man?
  13. Hey, thanks again... seriously, its a huuuge help. I owe you :)

  14. seriously? I wasn't gone that long was I?? hrm.
  15. monky blood? what? where was i for that?
  16. I'm pretty sure I told you that you were an ass when I met you... so you're certified now. Congrats.
  17. I ust woke up... I'[ll leave in a bit.
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