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Status Updates posted by OsuMj

  1. I appreciate that. but to be honest, i already think you're creepy.


  2. well, my butt hurts... :) I rode 200 miles today and yesterday.

  3. sounds interesting, feel free to entertain me. :D

  4. :lol: don't know what to say, do you.
  5. where have you been???

  6. Yes, that's the thanks you get. You definitely should not have waited for me!! But thanks... :D

  7. If i get rid of the furniture for the night we might be able to have a 15 person rave. Should be fun...

    Until you show me you can keep up though, you're an old man. sorry bubba.

  8. I would love to host a party, unfortunately I live in a tiny ass apt. However, if anyone would offer up their space, I would be more than willing to do the party planning.

  9. I haven't seen it, therefore, i don't believe it. sorry old man

  10. yup. sounds like you got it down!

  11. :lol: old man. dont you need to get to bed so that you can get your energy up to yell at the whippersnappers ???
  12. aren't we the same age?

  13. parks, you guys are taking me riding in coshocton so that I can break in my new bike, right???

  14. I'm bored mooser.

  15. I still owe you guys some lunch! we should go soon.

  16. goin to brothers tonight... you should consider it...

  17. oh Moose McMooserson...

  18. where did you go??? :D

  19. I haven't seen it yet... maybe i'll check it out this week... I blame you if its bad though.

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