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Status Updates posted by OsuMj

  1. I think dweezle had it... maybe we should ask him to post it... hilarious!

  2. just yesterday, and let me tell you, it was FANTASTIC! That guy could move. :lol:

  3. i was planning on it... but no

  4. I dislike you.

    & I'm calling BS. You can't look everything up on the internet...

  5. what?? I can use google... but I'm terrible with computers. I don't know what is legit and what isn't. Ask me about airflow, or something ... :)

  6. hrm, ok, I guess I should have just asked what site I should go to for the scan... :)

  7. mmm, so my virus checker has randomly turned off and won't allow me to turn it back on. And my computer is slow and shuts off by itself sometimes, and has been freezing a lot lately... probably from watching too much pron. :lol:

    good advice btw.

    What is in it for you?? What do you want? If you're lucky, we'll get a nice ride in when you take that day off from work, and i'll probably buy you a few beers.

  8. hey smarty pants... how are you with computers/viruses ? :D

  9. later... when I get back from shelby.

  10. no denial of the first comment, which further supports my theory that you don't have friends...

    aaand, an attack on my gender. :nono: interesting.:D

  11. whatev, you were so excited to hang out with me that you woulda waited another hour... :D btw, I suck. seriously, how did I forget which McDs?

  12. hey, thanks for the pasta salad, and tell abby that her sugar cookies are fantastic :)

  13. :eek: I didn't know what you were talking about at first. lol
  14. no problem! Next time it is somewhere without the background mess, maybe we can get some better shots.

  15. lol... no worries :D... it was like sunburn sorta... and I blame whoever it was that was lifting me up at the time... yota maybe?? idk :lol:

  16. I'm gonna stop by John's later today and see if his battery is going to fit.

  17. nah, I think I'm gonna check out the fireworks... :)

  18. how about 1pm? PM me your parents address... my butt might need a 5 minute rest when I get there. :D

  19. I can meet you wherever... I'll be coming from columbus

  20. well,the only reason i was coming to mansfield was to ride... soooo, whenever the parade is over...

  21. I'll be at the parade early...

  22. my lower back hurts... :lol: no hand prints though...

  23. possibility...

  24. mmmmmk... I plan on riding up, unless the weather is bad.

  25. no hand prints, but I think it might bruise... *sigh* my lower back hurts lol

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