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Everything posted by OsuMj

  1. still feels weird! add earplugs to the packing list??
  2. zip your pockets!!! My ride was a disaster, I started off in the rain and lost my credit cards and phone and didnt' realize it until I was in Kentucky. I had to turn around and go back to Columbus (with assistance bc I almost ran out of gas), then try again the next day, again in the rain. I arrived at the gap in the dark, while it was sprinking, and my ass hurt. I was thankful that there was an open spot on a trailer for my ride back!! It didn't ruin my trip, and I'm glad I did it. I hope to ride down again this year, but maybe without the rain and loss of personal property.
  3. shit, did you give my spot away???
  4. Riding bitch is all about the scenery, being comfy, and feeling safe. I've ridden on the back just a few times. My very first ride was beautiful, scenic, just enough adventure and was the ride that made me realize I wanted a bike, probably lasted about an hour. Some of the others were a little on the scary side and made me feel worried the whole time, which lead to a really unenjoyable experience. I think Hocking is a fantastic idea You've got a fun beautiful riding aread, but gauge her reaction to your speed through the corners too. There's plenty of short rides so she can get off and stretch a little. Maybe take a camera and get a pic with you two and the bike at one of the nice locations and get it printed and frame it for her when you're done with the trip... might conjure some nice feelings about the bonding you can do on bike trips. Good luck!
  5. I woulda fell right on my ass. lol.
  6. were you just riding track? kick stand switch if you're not used to having a kick stand.
  7. click on your user name on the top right corner click 'Manage Ignore Prefs' insert name of person whose posts you do not wish to see in the box with 'Member's name' never be annoyed by said person's posts again.
  8. this might be vital to my decision.
  9. OsuMj


    My dad has worked swing shift pretty much his entire life. He's in his upper 60s now and still handles swing shift like a champ. I can stay up for long periods of time, but dragging my ass out of bed is an entirely different thing, and possibly part of the reason I've elected to be a student for such a long time
  10. sooo, what do you imagine the temperature of your cabin will be
  11. OsuMj


    honestly though, I don't know how people get up that early. Even when I'm in bed by 10 its a struggle.
  12. Where (ish) are you located? My uncle is an electrician in the columbus area. https://www.facebook.com/pages/James-M-Hartley-Electric-LLC/118486068198380?ref=br_rs http://jamesmhartleyelectricllc.com/
  13. OsuMj


    geeze people. sometimes I dont get to bed until 6. lol
  14. That was exactly what I said when I saw it on tv! That's some crazy shit right there.
  15. I might need a spot, but I haven't fully committed to the trip yet. I'll decide soon.
  16. It's what i do. How do you think I pay for college? j/k
  17. I somehow managed to finish that 5K with my pup. Got another one in less than 2 weeks.
  18. no problem. I was going to try to snag you a few tomorrow. Usually the dumpsters are over flowing with clean nice boxes...
  19. There's always a nice supply of cardboard boxes in the engineering part of campus at OSU... requires some driving for you, but they're free.
  20. I was super sick for the past month, so I've done pretty much nothing. Sad story. I have a 5K on Sunday, so we'll see how that goes. Hopefully I will get a jog in tomorrow.
  21. If you did have a dog in the fight, it would be a sad naked one I've never thought about the public assistance aspect of it. hmmm.
  22. *shrug* its ok. When I first got her, she was super scared all the time. Wearing coats seemed to calm her down a bit. Also, I bought that coat on clearance for $3 or $4. Although, if putting clothing on your dog, especially when its cold, annoys you, you should probably also be annoyed by people who go out for $100 meals, buy new vehicles, own motorcycles for fun, or do anything that's financially unnecessary. On the main topic, I'm pretty sure I'm with Casper on this one... consenting adults doing what they want, has no ill effect on me or those I care about.
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