I'd really like to do a couple long(ish) hiking trips this summer. I want to do a 3-4 day run of pictured rocks in MI, and also maybe a week on AT. I haven't really done too many long hikes (time wise), but I've done a few 1-2 day hikes that were very challenging. I spent about a week and did "Bridge to Nowhere" in LA, then "Surprise Canyon to Panamint City" near death valley, a couple miles around death valley, then into and out of the grand canyon over 2 days taking the Angel Trail out and South Kaibab in. We hiked over 50 miles in just under a week, so it was pretty tiring, but amazing. I have to say though, it adds a whole new dimension to hiking when you don't get to shower. When I was done with this week of hiking, even though I had a car and obviously drove between sites, I didn't stay in a hotel for 4 days and at the end, I felt so gross (the thermometer at the bottom of the canyon was reading 120+, so i probably was super gross). Over coming my desire to wash my hair semi-regularly would be really hard for me . Anyway, CSC, thanks for sharing. It will be interesting to see what he finds to be most challenging/rewarding.