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Everything posted by OsuMj

  1. yikes, too bad they weren't sophisticated enough to come up with something that you didn't have to implant in your tooth
  2. the one on the right doesn't look like he would be able to pop a cap in someone's ass... he looks to happy.
  3. aww, cute. congratulations
  4. OsuMj


    creepy, but very true, despite the fact it took 3 or 4 mins for an OR page to load, I still got to read OR in a van... um, idk how it worked. It was runways travel company or something like that. I guess they're just sweet. It was kinda funny though because the guy dropped me off at the shuttle drop off, and i started to wheel away with my luggage and he pulled up and asked me if i had to far to walk and that he would drive me, and i replied, nah, i think its close, and besides that i thought a walk would be nice. so he shrugs, i say thanks, he drives away, gets out of sight, then it starts POURING rain, not just like raining, but me, my luggage, and my backpack are instantly drenched, thank goodness i accidentally forgot my poster in orlando $23 to have it overnighted, but at least it didn't get ruined in the rain.
  5. OsuMj


    late on the 25th... where's the interview? good luck!
  6. OsuMj


    not yet... trying again tomorrow :-D and yes, double yay for ross being SWEET!!!
  7. OsuMj


    well, i ventured out in the rain on foot to look for a walmart that i had found on the map before i left and ended up getting really lost... ross lead me to safety with the help of google street view. Only ended up being a 2 hour excursion...
  8. OsuMj


    i'm pretty sure this trip is going to result in long term emotional scarring. I'm basically laying in bed, wadded in a ball shivering trying to keep warm... had an interesting night tonight too that I think ross might tell ya about...
  9. OsuMj

    road trip

    i don't know if i could do a cross country trip alone. So what do you want to see??
  10. OsuMj

    road trip

    sounds sweet... you going alone?
  11. OsuMj


    60 degrees and raining here... shoulda stayed in ohio :-/
  12. what's the heal time on a broken collar bone??
  13. OsuMj


    haha, yes, it is a comfy shirt. I had it with me and figured someone would notice it. We should start a OR shirts all over the world thread
  14. i think their clock is off, my three fights got reset at like 9pm
  15. OsuMj


    pretzles huh... I went to a few bars down town, don't remember going to that one. I did however go to a bar that was having a little music festival thing and it was a $10 cover which i thought was a little much, but we got inside and got our drinks and then FILTER came on stage... it was total luck, we had no clue filter was playing. It was sweet. lol, no worries, I conveniently forgot my camera at home. I've been borrowing my orlando friend's cameras, and, gainesville doesn't seem to have any beaches, or much of anything else for that matter....
  16. OsuMj


    true. if by roots, you mean friends who dispersed to the oil companies to work immediately after college, then yeah. should be fun, last time i was there i learned how to two-step
  17. OsuMj


    haha, i actually had to look up the title bc i couldn't even remember what its about... i've been calling it 'oxide school' i think my van ride is almost over though, only 45 more minutes
  18. I'm sure you'd be willing to help him out with that.
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