creepy, but very true, despite the fact it took 3 or 4 mins for an OR page to load, I still got to read OR in a van... um, idk how it worked. It was runways travel company or something like that. I guess they're just sweet. It was kinda funny though because the guy dropped me off at the shuttle drop off, and i started to wheel away with my luggage and he pulled up and asked me if i had to far to walk and that he would drive me, and i replied, nah, i think its close, and besides that i thought a walk would be nice. so he shrugs, i say thanks, he drives away, gets out of sight, then it starts POURING rain, not just like raining, but me, my luggage, and my backpack are instantly drenched, thank goodness i accidentally forgot my poster in orlando $23 to have it overnighted, but at least it didn't get ruined in the rain.