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Posts posted by OsuMj

  1. hmmm... no bike "near deaths" yet minus being nearly ran off the road by some jack-ass who didn't check his mirror while I was trying to pass him when he was going 20 in a 35 (first sign of a bad driver). But, I have been in 6 car accidents and a go-cart roll-over... I wasn't driving for any of them! Some of them where pretty stellar too, the one I got rearended by a sherriff.

  2. Ok, texting isn't THAT bad. I think the initial inquiry can be a text, because there is a reason why you gave your number to them in the first place, and they are probably just checking to make sure that you weren't thinking "huge mistake here". This might be because I am constantly around a bunch of engineers (engineers=low self esteem (usually) + interesting qualities(sometimes good sometimes not so good)).

    I don't think that texting should carry you through the beginning of a relationship. They have those AIMbots that will automatically send you a message if you're that desperate for a typing companion.

    On the guys being put into the friend zone topic, I'm going to have to agree and disagree on this one. I think a lot of men that are constantly overwhelmingly nice come off as needy. I think when I have someone that is like that to me, I start to ask myself why they are like that, and when it is going to change... because a lot of men start off REALLY nice, then end up a lot less nice without even noticing the change. On the same note though, I think that the girls that go after the men that treat them like shit often have some self-confidence issues.


  3. Welcome Nick! My g/f is fairly new to riding (i.e. slow;))...you are welcome to tag along with us sometime.

    Wow, you suck.:asshole:

    Hey Wolfman, how long have ur girl been riding? When I say i am new. I am new. I took the safety class at A.D. Farrow on June9-13 and bought my bike on July 2nd. I road 3 times then my bike is having battery problems. Bad Battery. I only have 54 miles on the bike. Getting the battery replaced tomorrow.

    To be truthful though, I am kind of slow, and you are definitely welcome to ride with us... haha.

  4. I've dropped my bike twice... both were in the same day. The first time I forgot the kickstand, gas started spilling out, and as I'm lifting my bike up completely by myself I hear from inside a nearby apartment "Hey man, you just missed it, this girl just dropped her bike" to which a different voice replied "Is she hot?".

    The second time, Hoggy's parking lot at Polaris, I stopped mid turn on accident... as if the first time wasn't enough.

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  5. they lied to you...you get a discount through allstate for MSF course or being a member of AMA.

    Allstate told me no discount for the course, but a discount for being a member of a club...

    I started on a ex500 (which I still have), and I really like it. It's old as shit, but I don't have to worry about scratching it up (my bike is only two years younger than me). I'm not that strong either, but I have been able to pick it up when I've dropped it, it's all about technique and a bit of adrenaline when you see gas pouring out of it - haha. Good luck!

  6. Haha, this is ridiculous. Wolfman told me that he had a dream last night about zombies attacking him and his family in a castle with a moat... but he woke up because his mom wouldn't stop vacuuming the castle floors. Now I see why...

  7. This the same OsuMj that used to be on Columbus Racing years back with the sprayed gold V6 Mustang?

    nope, this is wolfman's girlfriend... I hear we are on the same flag football team.

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