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Posts posted by Kosmo

  1. finally I retired onto a outdoor swing chair in my sleeping bag....nobody puked....:D

    not entirely factual:

    Jimmy puked once at the party, and once after my sister took him home.

    Heather also regurgitated, but ended up without a hangover, so happier over-all.

    No magz......Fonz got it right....I mean....as I was sleeping in under the sky on the swing chair.......I am happy that nobody puked on me.....


    Goodtimes folks !!!

  2. sorry folks caught up in the work/powercut ordeal om Sunday.....

    Anyway here is my summary:

    I started from Mayfield Heights around 7.30PM took all the way 322 east to 45 north to shit....road closed......turn around......detour through 6 and finally made it around 9PM. Chilled Yuengling outta keg instant nirvana......Duane's family was terrific....good food, great dessert.....to say the least.....

    Then back to the huge yard, wet grass, cranked up hiphop....then Duane's 12 o clock and trashing.....Jason...already drunk, spinning with the gokart and giggling hysterically like a three year old....a seen to remember for your life....

    Then second round Kosmo's ride without a shifter and push start then sliding wreck on the grass.....then again go Kart me and Scott......Matt (Likwid) and Heather was having fun with the Polaris quad. Then some serious cornhole...getting more drunk.....then some bonfire......chit chat to serious discussions.....and getting more drunk....

    finally I retired onto a outdoor swing chair in my sleeping bag....nobody puked....:D

    Huh....got up around 7AM and drove home back....lil headache reminds me that I had a great time.....what a blast


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