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Posts posted by Kosmo

  1. I am in New York City right now.....I will try to go to the memorial but may be later in the day.....it's crazy right there, I guess......

    Two of my close high school friends perished that day leaving behind the devastated family behind......

    May all rest in peace and may all find peace who's life changed forever on that day.

  2. As of the interview.....Rossi told the turn 6 bump exists and it's pretty bad....he told I said that last year but have not been fixed, it's not only that turn 6 but it's overall a very bumpy track and you are not going to see a neck to neck race here as people will think twice to push their limits....it's very difficult to setup the suspension as e said...very true....

  3. If anybody finds the full video or transcript of the Yamaha riders (Spies, Lorenzo, Rossi, Edwards) on the Speed Stage Saturday (8/27) at IndyGP it will be also worth it.......I have a ton of pictures but no video. They were indeed funny.

    Lorenzo told Collin that Collin thinks he is a Mexican from the South of the border as he speaks Spanish.

    Rossi told indy is not very polite to him, when he crashed one time a corner worker told "why the beep you are here......you are supposed to be on the asphalt"......Rossi told "don't ya know that I am an young inexperienced rider and trying to learn from by beeping mistake"........

    All of them were funny...Only Ben spies was very calm, composed....

  4. What can I say ? I was in the front row for his speed stage press/media conference on Saturday at Indy......and Sunday....he is gone.....I was in a different part of the track and did not see the crash nor I wanted to.....Rest in peace Peter.........It was really a sad day at Indy.

    Here is the picture I took Saturday


  5. OK few more for you adam.....Yota was outta bound that night :D




    Split second Yota was in the dancing cage before being thrown out from the "gals only cage"




    Yota shocker by the day....


    Flat track gotta lot of talent but XDL got lotta lycra........

    Now you have no reason "not to come to indygp"

    "Arise, awake and stop not till the goal is reached"

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