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Everything posted by Kosmo

  1. haha.....I pooped in my pants.....and I smell it.......
  2. Happy Bday.....to my fav......GREAT BROTHA.........have a great day......and wish you many happy returns of this day.......with lots of.......
  3. rain rain go away for you guys........I could not make it this year for the license restrictions......sorry....
  4. CONGRATS man......that's an easy fix......will be an awesome ride.....
  5. ^^^^you are dead.....before I say welcome.......
  6. who will be there at the NHRA nationals ?....I plan atleast one day......
  7. OK...my bipolar again....Did Danika win indy ? gosh... I am dead....
  8. haha.....gotta work to prove how big fish are ya ? Here is an example for Brandon (Sorry for Stalking ya gixxie750 and not taking your best time....just took you as an example) http://www.wera.com/racers/racerprofile.asp?x=1098&rid=1121882827680 http://www.mylaps.com/results/showrun.jsp?id=1468582 see Brandon's best time in that race was: 1.07.101 Many track days are also timed, if you have a transponder.......
  9. Folks let's start an official timing thread.......post your times in any course....with a link to my laps or any other official link to prove it......scanned printouts are fine too....as long as you have your name on it. No document, no credit....sorry.....there is a separate thread for that...... LETS START THE TIMING WAR........................
  10. you know most of scientists actually are......we tell different things in different days......now let's start another research thread......
  11. This dumbo ass doesn't even know how to play poker...........but I ran some of them....
  12. don't worry folks.....nothing personal.............made my point, taken others .....I am done.....
  13. Kosmo

    05 Ninja ZX6R

    For street riding comfort on a sportbike the first two would be: 1. Helibars.....(expensive)...but 2. A nice seat like Corbins worth investment...
  14. It's a shame that this few shitty ones defames the "academy"...pretty sad
  15. Why couldn't he ticket you? he has to get two readings I guess, probably got the first one then I slammed the brakes and probably could not nail me..... Didnt know helmet LED's existed. where do you find them or the screamers? here are the links: http://www.radarbusters.com/motorcycle-radar-detectors/motorcycle-accessories/hardsystem.cfm http://www.motorcycleradar.com
  16. I like pretty faces.......
  17. Kosmo

    Need help

    keep the changed oil in douche to lube the sheep vagina......that's next........
  18. have an escort passport 8500 for last 4-5 years, in the car not the bike, very happy with that, did not let me down a single time......awesome radar warning but the best is the laser protection, the audible alarm is really loud scream and you slam the brakes no matter what, as the laser is instant on a very hard to get out of. In five years, I encountered laser probably a dozen time only and I got out of each of them......once the cop pulled me over and just issued a warning but could not ticket me.... NOT ANY MORE......that will be a ticket now in ohio The new Escort 9500 is even better.....pricey.....none of them are waterproof, you will need a housing then an additional radar screamer or helmet LED to warn you or you can have a waterproof adaptv for the bike which I heard is OK but not as good. Check the following links: http://www.radarbusters.com/radar-detectors/6524+6526.cfm?viewall=yes http://www.radarbusters.com/motorcycle-radar-detectors/6524+6529.cfm
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