have an escort passport 8500 for last 4-5 years, in the car not the bike, very happy with that, did not let me down a single time......awesome radar warning but the best is the laser protection, the audible alarm is really loud scream and you slam the brakes no matter what, as the laser is instant on a very hard to get out of. In five years, I encountered laser probably a dozen time only and I got out of each of them......once the cop pulled me over and just issued a warning but could not ticket me.... NOT ANY MORE......that will be a ticket now in ohio The new Escort 9500 is even better.....pricey.....none of them are waterproof, you will need a housing then an additional radar screamer or helmet LED to warn you or you can have a waterproof adaptv for the bike which I heard is OK but not as good. Check the following links: http://www.radarbusters.com/radar-detectors/6524+6526.cfm?viewall=yes http://www.radarbusters.com/motorcycle-radar-detectors/6524+6529.cfm