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Everything posted by Kosmo

  1. not confirmed yet but watching........
  2. Dibs for test ride after Justin ........if not I think I am signing up at NJ Thunderbolt in August two days $675, pretty steep....but.....
  3. happy bday...no party.....??? drink some good beer man...I am sure you will.....
  4. Keith Code retired his fleet of ZX6Rs and going with BMW.....if he's not convinced enough about the engine management modes....he will not take a 1000 for his track school.......I just saw this video from his website....... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQ-n824N97k&feature=player_embedded http://www.superbikeschool.com/
  5. ^^^ hope all goes well buddy, you should be fine...my thoughts with you...take care....
  6. ^^^ ok, I heard "Purr"........that made sense when he bailed out..."Pussy"
  7. that's a lie......he says he goes only 65 on it at gas station buddys..... "over the limit....we will get you"
  8. irrelevant to the thread......... isn't the speed restricted to 186 mph for US street bikes from 2001 with the govorner ? I think in 99-2000 busa's could reach 194 mph stock, ya you can tamper it....I just don't know how.......
  9. This was a small evening local ride...me (60 miles to start) Tim (90 miles to start) was furthest......it turned interesting.......with incidents/storms etc. was not a long all day ctown ride......curby started an epic teaser title and i feel it's a pure win with the number of hits..........
  10. ahhhhh.........those are mistresses...........
  11. I am riding with the wifey now......she drinks I stay sober.......got the inlaws as sitter......
  12. shhhh.....damn......I thought I will get away with it..........
  13. Congrats, enjoy every moment of it.........
  14. yeah......absolutely.....we will do more nice rides......
  15. Fonz......sings, does not dance and hump sheep....... Sam does not dance and sing but hump sheep I don't sing but dance and hump sheep......... ......and jbot does , hump the sheep then eat it medium rare.......... I think I am being honest........
  16. hmmm.....I started at the back of the pack cause my balls are smaller than yours way......but the busa held me up and I missed all the fun actually...and then already things started happening..... .....on the freeway I was doing 70-75....(I can't afford a ticket anymore, don't ask me why ) and so sorry if that was too slow and I much appreciate that ZX9R, Holly and Matt went ahead. This we will talk in the next spirited ride.....if you have a feeling that you are being held up make a clean pass............any suggestions on this.....cause it starts a chain reaction of "my balls are bigger than yours" contest and I hate that......which causes many wrecks in those spirited rides.......
  17. I have to send this cop a thank you card. He is a cop from Magnolia township. Rides an blue R6..........seriously I have not seen an LEO this friendly......an escorted ride at 70 on 35 Somebody called him to look for a bike (Tim's) with problems, and he was coming in a Ford explorer grey and I did not see him, I was easily doing 70 on 35 and when he saw us (I was trying to hide, behind all ) in the parking lot, he greeted and told us it's cool to see us in the area, nice bikes, glad to see you guys with gears, ride safe and comeback again in the area to ride and call him, if needed :eek: really it's more wow than wow !!!!!! Really, I had this not so often happen realization: There are people who makes a difference and make world a better place.....and this Magnolia cop is one of them..... It's not that he didn't tell us anything about speeding......it's the extent of help he extended to us, (even a custom weather report ), I salute you sir........
  18. i wish i had the money.......great looking bike........all the best....
  19. Kosmo

    May 28th Ride

    we shee filim shtar ????
  20. ^^^^ this is an absolute truth....ditto.... Magz, you can keep that one for longhauls on highway though.....
  21. Kosmo

    May 28th Ride

    don't worry I will ride at the back of the pack .....and behave.......getting outta work it's an hour ride for me to the start....
  22. Kosmo

    May 28th Ride

    I will see ya folks ........but I warn you.....I am an.....
  23. Man take care..glad that you are OK
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