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Posts posted by Kosmo

  1. Bambi is not a Her, he is a HIM.......... HIM with a Man on Man, Nut to Butt kind of name but a HIM nontheless!

    yeah, yeah.....you are 100% right......he got a girlfriend too....their nosey touched while drinking water from the puddle and romance bloomed.....(thinking 2nd grade kids)........:rolleyes::violin:

  2. Hey, Likwid......feel bad that you couldn't make it. Your stuff is taken care of. I have handed over everything except the pack for Mr. Parks...4 Daivi...it's with me an I have few patches....rest all is gone.

    Flounder.....your stuff is with Ben & Carrie

    Pedro's stuff is with jagr....oh shit....we already spoke....

    rest all good.......good times as usual just expected a better turn out but well day after the game night.....understandable and AMA at Mid Ohio

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