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Everything posted by sciongirl

  1. I was at work way before the snow started so I missed the fun.
  2. This is a good thread actually.... I saw this on the news yesterday. I don't know where I stand on gay marriages. To me, it doesnt effect me and its not like they are doing anything wrong.... they just want to be married like a man and a woman. Who cares. Bringing a child into it.... again, doesn't effect me and if they are good parents and can provide for that kid, why wouldn't they be allowed? I grew up with a mom and dad that got divorced early in my life. They both loved me but not each other. Does that mean my upbringing wasn't as good as a family that wasn't divorced? No. I'm fine, with the occasional outbursts. So there you have it.
  3. sciongirl

    very sad

    That is sad.... I wouldn't know what to do if I got stranded out in the mountains. Makes me want to rethink taking my spare tire out of the trunk for my 12" subwoofer.......
  4. I drank enough beer last night. Time to do it again tonight!
  5. I'm not personally but one of my good friends does it...
  6. I mostly use Limewire Pro but torrent is nice.
  7. I own MoJoe at basketball.... That is all.
  8. I rent but my dad owns his house and my mom owns her house...
  9. Is it odd I haven't seen ANY of the Rocky movies??
  10. It's gonna be a great game. I will just be getting back from New York on the 8th. Anyone have plans for this game yet?
  11. At my work on Friday we lost power, then our generator blew up. For an insurance company to lose power on the first of the month, in the winter, during a wind/rain storm. It's not very productive... Our President and VP were not pleased....
  12. I missed it. Sorry.... I was watching the Bengals and then fell asleep.
  13. You are gonna make a lot of people angry! .... What a big gun you have. Couldn't resist. Sorry.
  14. I read an article a while ago about this older black man who was fighting (I can't remember what state, down south somewhere) for elementary schools to go back to being separate for whites and blacks. His theory was that both the white and black students would learn better without the "race" issue. How gay is that...
  15. I'm afraid if I don't get there early like 8ish, I wont make it up. I was out late last night...
  16. There is so much to be said about this.. I think if they want to have scholarships for races and genders. You need to hit them all. Every single one. If not.. you'll have problems like this. Personally, I don't want a scholarship that says, because I'm white... I get this. I want a scholarship that says I am exceptionally well at something and I deserve X amount of money for it. Earn it for crying out loud. You didn't earn a scholarship because you were born into a minority group or poor family. That's just me.
  17. A foot of snow? I'm glad I got my winter tires on.
  18. That was a tad bit embarrassing......until I beat them. Then it was fun!
  19. I'll go but I'm NOT spending $10 and playing 3 games again. That is a waste.... I'll bum off Nate's card. Yeah...
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