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Posts posted by sciongirl

  1. since i was home yesterday and watching ESPN, i was pretty pissed to see it ALL FUCKING DAY LONG! wtf... this is putting such a black eye on baseball, and frankly i dont even care about it anymore. im so over this steriod shit... let them all play on roids for fucks sake.
  2. Should have got a second one, they get lonely and depressed without play pals.


    yea i heard this too. a friend of mine had one and she just layed around and didnt move at all, wouldnt eat. she got a second one and they are in love now or something....

  3. This is pretty funny.

    Every once in a while we'll get a call for a Ninja lol. Someone will call in "someone dressed in all black like a ninja with a sword on his back" I just LOL the whole time.


    we have a Ninja running around the city? that is awesome.. i feel safer already

  4. I really enjoy my job up until I got hurt. Sure it sucks at times but I am payed well, I am respected and have access to the owner which is probably the reason I have stayed for so long. Had I not of had the ear of my boss I probably wouldnt have stayed. Having someone tell you your doing a good job and show you appreciation means alot to me. I tried working for a large corporation recently and I was miserable. Small business' is where its at for me.


    i completely agree... if people arent telling you that you are doing a good job and making you feel appreciated... you lose the motivation.

  5. fuck... what timing this post is.... i could write a novel.


    i've been at my company for 8 years and in IT for 8 years. i've been doing my current position for 4 years. in a department with 100 developers, 20 project managers, 20 quality assurance testers, and 30 or so business analyst... i'm the only one pushing the code out. ive loved being here for so long but recently, its getting gay. they are hiring more and more of everything, but help for me. i have no one here to help educate me, to learn any more that what i already know. and with recent projects.. ive been hating coming into work. i hate my boss... he isnt a manager. he's here for a pay check and not willing to help me understand anything. i dunno.. maybe i should be the one taking the steps to better myself? but with no help or motivation... i dont see a point.


    i think the key to enjoying what you do is enjoying the people that do the job with you. ive grown up with these people and they consider me their little sister. i drink and party with them. i share my life with them and them with me. "what happens on tue's, stays at the bar" haha i wouldnt have made it this far without them. but i think it's about that time for me to move on... im not learning anything new.


    im going for a decade at safe auto though. atleast that will make me feel good.



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