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Everything posted by sciongirl

  1. i graduated high school with her... she was a sweetheart but i dont remember her being so hot.
  2. the details: i was in a bad car accident with my mom and little sister on 4/30. we were in her SUV and a guy (with no lic/insurance barrowing a friends car) ran a red light and t-boned us.... and we flipped and landed on our top. i was knocked unconscience and suffered broken ribs and a collapsed right lung. my little sister had surgery on her bladder from the seat belt and my mom walked away alright. we are all very lucky to even be alive. this is why you should kiss everyone around you and thank you all for the wishes!!!!!!! have beers for me, as i will be on vicodon!
  3. well happy birthday to you too then!
  4. I don't normally toot my own horn but what I've been through the past week, I'm glad I'm here to celebrate this day. I've learned life is very short..so kiss your kids/wife/parents/girlfriends/boyfriends and anyone else for that matter. It's a good day to be alive! And I'm now 5 years away from 30
  5. sciongirl


    haha i love this one... i have friends of the family that used to be micky and minnie in florida.. they have sense gotten a divorce haha
  6. sciongirl


    bahahaha... these are good.
  7. sciongirl


    yeah! i like those!!! hahaha
  8. sciongirl


    im too realistic for jokes i think.... try another one
  9. sciongirl


    oh he was stepping on people... i get it!!
  10. sciongirl

    windows vista

    i have vista on my home desktop, a "legal" copy. i love it.... i have had a couple old programs crash but i just reverted back to older versions and they worked fine.
  11. sciongirl


    i dont get it? lol
  12. sciongirl


    yep.. what he said. i saw both the mom (beagle) and dad (pug) and they were both bigger than i expected... he's a horse! wease sorry for hijacking.... give me another joke!
  13. haha yeah you gotta be nice and take her out a couple times then she gives it up... and thorne.. i am a freak.
  14. sciongirl


    he's 30 pounds. they said it's the biggest puggle they've ever seen... and he's not fat at all
  15. yeah i did michelle last night after the date... then went to the strip club and got a couple dances, then to the internet cafe to find "love" i love this game.
  16. sciongirl


    haha no you can not have him, i just paid $250 to have his balls chopped off. he's mine now! wease.. give me another joke.
  17. sciongirl


    alright but i only got an hour.
  18. sciongirl


    ha! wease this isn't a joke, this probably happened to you yesterday........
  19. omg... dont get drunk on the game. it will make you puke. i'm not kidding. other than that, it's pretty sweet! i can see me wasting a lot of time playing it!
  20. i just want to go home and play this damn work
  21. im gonna try to whore it up with ryan when he gets home... ill try to sneak jens number for you guys if you want it.
  22. yeah i can't wait for this, should be a fun time wasting type of game.
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