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Posts posted by 12oclocker

  1. should change ur name to mad scientist

    some people do call me that, lol!

    I finally was able to take my bike for a test spin, and compare my speedometer reading with my GPS unit after installing my SpeedoFix board,... 100% f'king dead on accurate! :D:D:D:D

  2. I've seen Glenn Beck on tv a few times, I dont watch him everyday, but I'd say he's a pretty sharp guy, and I agree with most of his views.

    Bush was a terrible president, no doubt about that, the republican party is a sell out now days, they suck. obama is going to spend us into destruction, and grow government as large as possible. both parties suck. everyone at the top of the politician chain are so f'king corrupt it's sickening. we're f'king doomed. this country is doomed.. unless we have a 'v for vendetta' type revolution or something, maybe that's extreme, I dont know, but everything is going south and no one up top cares to do anything except line their pockets.

  3. This thing is really cool man. It sets itself to any change your give it! No need to input any data. Just change gearing or whatever and the device will self adjust the error automatically. :cool::bow:

    lol, it not quite that fancy, I pre-set it up, so at initial install there is nothing to do, but if you change your gearing later, there are a few little switches to set, but its super simple.

  4. damn dog! Nice work once again. that thing is small and suprisingly silplistic looking

    thanks, its super simple, just unplug the speed sensor, and plug this in between ;)

    I would be interested in getting one for my bike if i could get the damn old front spocket off. What does Kawasaki do, weld the nut on?:mad:

    maybe the person before you did it? never heard of that one before

  5. you know I am, I wrote an entire security system with raw socket forwarding in PHP to work with my C++ security system software! cross language coding lol!!

    nick was right, I've been really sick lately, actually starting to feel better today!

    what did you need help with?

  6. I was sick for a week, and missed a week of work, other stuff I was working on feel behind as well, but I'm back to feeling better now....

    They're done and ready to ship, I want to test them all on my bike first before shipping each of them out. so as soon as it stops raining over here, I'll do that...

    They have the factory Yamaha Connectors, so they are super simple to install, and they will be pre-setup for your gearing before you get them, so all you have to do is plug and go, they will also come with setup instructions in case you ever change your gearing and want to adjust the unit.

    Here's some pics of one installed on my bike, to make it water proof I wrapped my board in ESD (electro-static-discharge) safe plastic and taped the ends....

    Your unit will come pre-wrapped, setup, and ready to plug and go.

    Pic of the board ready for install...


    Pic of board installed...



  7. I like the 12oclock labs in the center of the chip

    lol, me too, thanks.

    Keep up the good work. Can't wait for the finished products! You had a post with a blue housing. Do you have black housings available? Looking forward to them all.

    yep, I'll be ordering black housings, with a red screen, no one has the blue in stock, lol

  8. I've always been a Honda man that could tear down a car with a 10, 12, 14 and 32mm wrench set but now I'm lost. I have a cheap set of hex keys that managed to round out a couple bolts during my rear set install so I'm looking to buy some new tools. What 'go to' tools do you guys have for when you work on your bike? Any suggestions for Suzuki specific tools?


    I've rebuilt a few engines, and done all my work on my bikes with tools I bought at Meijer, Walmart, and Harbor Freight. never had a problem with them. Stanley and GreatNeck I think is what they are, they work fine.

    I have some snapon tools, but I never really use them

  9. I wrote a new firmware version yet again, which instead of sampling how many pulses that occur over a given period of sample rate time, it actually measures the distance in microseconds between 2 pulses, doing thousands of calculations per second. this drastically increases the stability and gives dead on accuracy without ANY floating at all! It also allows the display to update Instantaneously if desired, unfortunately for me the firmware is now incredibly more complicated. which is probably why most people who design RPM meters don't do this, but it is a far superior way to do the calculations if you have a microprocessor that can handle it. I spent about 40hrs or so on this firmware version.

  10. So your speedo healers are only for Yamaha brands as of now?

    Sorry, I'm trying to keep up but half of what you are saying is gibberish to me!

    It should work on ALL bikes, I just need to test it on them to make sure, principle of operation is the same for all bikes, just a matter of hooking it up.

    On a side note, I think the healtech may actually have a EEPROM burn issue, healtechs continiously check and stores your max speed in eeprom, I thought about this while writing the firmware for my digital RPM meter, I thought about making it store the max RPM to eeprom, but then realized the EEPROM is only good for an average 100,000 read/write cycles, and if I load the previous stored EEPROM value to SRAM at startup, right there I reduce my product life to 100,000 power ups, then to take it a step further, If I write my max measure value to EEPROM every time I detect it occurs at a 500ms measure rate, I could actually Burn up my EEPROM after only 138 hours of operation of slowly increasing measurement values. naturally your measurements are going to jump around, and not slowly increase over such a long period, so your EEPROM reliability time would be much higher, but it still posses a "possiblity" of premature product failure after only a few years of operation in my opinion.

  11. Updated the firmware, now it can work for 2stroke or 4stroke engines, by setting a jumper or flipping a switch, the screen now updates every 500ms, and shows the RPM reading for the last 1sec of sampled data, data is sampled every 500ms, and it uses the last 2 samples for calculations. screen scan is still 5ms. This gives a faster screen response but still maintains smoother readouts

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