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Everything posted by 12oclocker

  1. F'k guys, what ever happened to trying to hook 12oclocker up on a sweet WR250X deal? I want the black '09 at practically dealer cost
  2. Seriously, I would video tape myself f'king her, and show her friends, and my friends. if she didnt break up with me after that, we would be even.
  3. pick the one with the best power to weight ratio.
  4. they need to hang people in this country for rape. I'll pull the lever. yes, back in highschool, in the ditch down the road from my house. chick was murdered in dayton, body dumped in the country. they determined she had been there for over a year.saw another guy fly through a windshield in a car accident and die. saw a dead body on the road on I75 after an accident. I remember my dad coming home from work when I was a kid, he had a blank look on his face. He said he just saw a semi drive right over an old man on a bike and his brains exploded all over the road right in front of him. He was quiet for like a week after that.
  5. 12oclocker


    I miss nick on the forum, talked to him on the phone today.
  6. you cannot remove if under the clear coat, you will destroy the paint job on your bike. getting the sticker COLD, not warm, seems to work the best, at least it did for me, on my factory CBR929RR rear tail stickers. I used a hairdryer for the right side, and it left all kinds of sticky residue. I put in the freezer for a while, and the whole left side peeled off with no residue left behind.
  7. I dont like any traditional sports, football, baseball, etc. Do not appeal to me at all. how do people even decide who their 'team' is going to be?, favorite colors or something, hometown, I dont know? I do like FXM, XDL, Flatland BMX and stuff like that, stunts & stuff seem very appealing I guess because of their complexity to preform, but running with a football, I never got into that. What even confuses me more is how some people jump up and down screaming horray because the guy on the tv screen makes a touchdown. I realize the majority of people likes these sports, so maybe I am the weird one, I dont know.
  8. you know what always pisses me off, when some idiot is stopped in the middle of the road, no brake lights on, no turn signal on, and they are waiting to make a left hand turn. Braindead Retards need to keep their foot on the brake and use a damn turn signal, cause people behind them dont know they are NOT MOVING anymore! you dont have a turn signal or brake light lit, then what the hell are you doing stopped in the middle of the road! F'king retarded idiots man! A semi needs to slam into their rear end and their head needs to smash into the windsheild, maybe that will knock some sense into them!
  9. I said this would happen, I posted it on the board, sucks cause since the crash all the post are gone, but yeah, last election was the same deal, prices went down during the election, then back up afterward.
  10. yeah that sucks, you know what also pisses me off, when I'm doing 10 over the speed limit, and dickface in the fast lane is doing 10 under the speed limit. then after reving the engine and flashing my lights at his stupid a$$ he dosent move over, jerkoffs doing 55 in the fast lane should be shot, they pratically force you to split cars, I think they like dicking with us.
  11. I was riding for 30 seconds, did circles in the middle of the street just once right at the end of my road, then saw a sheriff, so I hit some backyards, and he disappeared I dont think he even stopped, so I went down to the park, lot is hidden from the main street pretty well, I pull off one set of circles and a cop pulls up, I had not been there 30 seconds! he tells me what Im doing is technically wreckless op, and makes me leave, so yeah, all this happened in a span of 15 minutes, so i said screw it and went home before I got a ticket, bad day to ride I guess. I think I'll stick to the safe spots, and give up on stuff close to home
  12. In a matter of 15 minutes run into 2 cops no ticket though
  13. I know someone who has the same plate, in the same location, weird!! hope everything works out ok, and you get back to 100%!
  14. thanks for the info guys, I sent you a PM Lizard 1, when I throw down cash for a bike, I want a sweet deal. I dont mind walking out eithor. They can charge fee's to the other guys that walk in the door determined to buy a bike, but if they want my sale, the're gonna make a little less profit, lol. I don't need the bike, I just want it, so if we come to a sweet deal, I'll buy it, if not, I'll wait or go somewhere else,
  15. get a hotel room with a hot-tub with the wife, and act out some porno stuff. thats a great way to spend the weekend. hell video tape it, and watch it when you get home
  16. I'm eyeballing the new WR250X, anyone know which Yamaha dealers are the easiest to talk down in price, I want to get the out the door price as low as I can possibly get them down too. I will be paying cash and not financing anything. Looking to buy from somewhere near the dayton area. If anyone works at any dealerships or anything or have some good info, let me know! Thanks guys!
  17. damn that's far! my arms hurt after 3 miles, that guy has got some stamina!
  18. my CRF250X has a divided case, I can put different tranny oil in if I want, which I do.
  19. thanks guys, I've actually got my eye on a 600f4i sportbike to stunt out, but I'm iffy, I sold my 636 stunt bike cause I wanted to go supermoto.
  20. extremely often. I don't even like the oil to start to break down. probably every 1k miles, I check the oil and rub it between my fingers, if its start to not feel new, or when it starts losing color I change it. I'm weird like that. sometimes it goes a bit longer, but I dont like it too.
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