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Everything posted by 12oclocker

  1. what programming language you write in? I like writing in C++
  2. 12oclocker

    ac dc

    yeah I love that song!
  3. 12oclocker

    ac dc

    All That Remains. Diecast. go listen
  4. I remember years ago someone stole an entire ATM machine where I lived, lol
  5. texas seems to be nice, and has nice laws. I like the fact you can shoot and kill people that steal your neighbors property, and you can kill people who try to rob you on your property. I read about a guy at mcdonalds that blew a robbers head clean off, and was a hero! here they will put your ass in jail for shooting a robber or someone attempting to murder you! In ohio, the ohio law makers would like to give the criminals the guns, and put YOU in jail if you shot someone breaking into your own house. I hate ohio.
  6. They should have never let him out, now a little kid is dead. bullshit. If I was the father, I would have slowly killed him with my bear wounded bloody hands. execute that piece of sh*t
  7. Slow idle stunts are sooooo much easier on a dirtbike than taking it to the MX track. The bike has only been dropped once since I had it. I had an XR200 I road on one wheel for nearly 15 years, and it was still running when I sold it! Overrevving and being at the top end all the time is what wears your rings and valves out, not the slow idle stuff. This engine is definitly rock solid! :lol:
  8. thanks, yeah I am geared supermoto 14 front 48 rear, it totally sucks really bad for slow stuff. after the first time I slip the clutch to get it up, the clutch never comes all the way back out, I just feather it and never let it fully engage while reving and coasting and while working the rear brake, I used to be geared 14/54, I could at least idle circle then, I think I might go back to 14/54 or maybe 12/48. But yeah you're right, its a total bitch to control, its like I dont even have first gear anymore, I'm kinda getting used to it but its pretty dangerous, I would probably wreck once ever 6 months, but with this setup I seem to have less ability to correct mistakes, and have already wiped out twice in 2 days, lol
  9. hope not, lol, I didn't check though
  10. Probably the last warm fun Ill have for a while, got some killer pics and video, even a wipeout, which does not happen often, so was pretty nice to catch on video, LOL Here's some vid still's, I'll have the pics tomorrow About to get f'ked, LOL
  11. I know LOL, I was just thinking, I wonder if I'd see you again, then right when I scanned around I saw you on your bike, LOL, weird!... I did get some killer video and pics, my cousin is a pro photographer and he came out and shot some video and pics with his new Nikon.
  12. oh well I got a buddy coming out with me, tomorrow's looks like the last day of warm weather fun!
  13. I think supermoto and dual sport are more fun that a sportbike. I just wish I could find a supermoto bike that weighed 280lbs and would do at least 150mph.
  14. tomorrow is probably the last nice day of the year. I was trying to find someone to come with me down to the spot and get some vid of some circles wheelies on the new wheeles, I got a camera. Then maybe we'll haras honda a bit, test drive some bikes for fun, and grab something to eat, lol. I got to work at 3:30pm (2nd shift sucks) so if anyone is up for it and has some free time before then let me know!
  15. LOL, yeah that cop was following me for a min then he split off in front of sonic, was sweet weather today! I'm getting the sit down circles to a dead spin on those tires, they are SWEET!!!
  16. buy a china knock off honda clone bike to teach her to ride, I got a cheap china bike for my daughter for her birthday, its a little quad, I paid 400 new out the crate, it still runs great, not bad for starter bikes, and cheap.
  17. still waiting on my triple rear caliper bracket for my super sweet handbrake setup.
  18. site specific examples of how low taxes caused 9 months worth of negative job growth and unemployment. I know of some terrible bank failures that caused some problems in our market. but what you stated makes no sense?
  19. It wouldn't... But.. I think people may lose more jobs with Obama, since 'taxing the rich' seems to be one of his ideas, do people not realize we work for rich people, that's who owns the companies you and I work for, if their cost goes up (taxes) they are going to either reduce wages, or cut work force to keep their profits in line. I don't think a tax break will matter if I lose my job, or if companies all raise prices of their products because their taxes went up. I've never had a problem with race, and I think people that do are f'ked up anyway, and whoever is the president wont change how people think. The war ending if fine with me. Canada's Heath care system is terrible, people die on waiting list their for procedure we get people in for immediately, why would we want to switch to a nationalized heath care system like they have, when they are coming here for health care? I don't like paying my copay, and my medicine may cost a lot, but hey, at least I can get to the doctor when I need to and I don't wait in a line for 3 hours, and if I need surgery I get it without being put on a waiting list. Grouping everyone in the entire united states into one heath care system is a terrible Idea, you are going to group all the junkies and druggies and people who don't work in with you and I who bust our asses off at work everyday and don't do drugs, and evenly distribute the benefits among all of us, sorry that is bullshit. Don't forget not everyone in this country feels the need to work for a living, its not going to balance out.
  20. I used to get the shot, but I would still get the flu, so I went a few years with out the shot, and never got it till now, figures!
  21. Who here thinks their life is actually going to get better once Obama is president? explain to me why and how?
  22. lol, I keep catch myself staring at it when im in the garage, lol!
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