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Everything posted by 12oclocker

  1. I probably will be riding sunday, where's the ride gonna be? I know some decent country roads around milton, troy, p-hill area. not a good as nicks roads, but there's some turns, and some straights for speed. let me know what going on guys!
  2. I'm interested in the front master cylinder w/ lever
  3. sitdown circles I learned on the XR200, seat stander circles I first learned on the XR80. Once you got them on one bike, you'll be able to do them on any bike It may just take a few hours to get used to the technique on the other bike. If your gonna get into circles, I would recommend getting fluid on 12oclock wheelies and coasters, and coasting a wheelie to a dead stop. cause on a circle you have to continually go past balance point to control your circle speed. If your gonna do stuff without a handbrake, I would recommend getting fluid on enginebrake control, doing some seat stander wheelies and slowing them to almost a stop by going a little past balance point.
  4. Cool bro, let me know get well soon man!
  5. Holly Crap Man! I just saw those pics! I would have lost my lunch if I seen that in person man! One tough dude! heal up soon man! ..And hey if your front brake master cylinder and lever is any good, yank that off the bike and I'll buy it off ya bro!
  6. That is terrible! I wonder if they had helmets on? Guy at my work was riding his Harley with his wife on the bike, neither of them had helmets on, they wrecked, and his wife died. News report said she most likely would have lived if she had a helmet on!
  7. 12oclocker

    Ride 7/27

    yep! we might have to spin through the roads one direction, and find some other good alt routes back...
  8. definitely a good time !!!
  9. 12oclocker

    Ride 7/27

    everyone that road today was really cool! even cleaner, lol, ! definitely was a fun ride! nice meeting everyone!
  10. 12oclocker

    Ride 7/27

    I got just one pic
  11. Wow, that is terrible, they made him walk on a broken leg! I would be cussing the staff out as we speak! I hope everything goes ok, and he makes a full recovery!
  12. get a tazor, I have a 100,000 volt tazor, next time that happens, jolt the guy, lol
  13. keep some doughnuts with you, in case you get pulled over, then offer some to the cop if you pulls you over!, he'll laugh so hard he'll have to let you go! ...or he'll beat you the face with the butt of his gun.... but thats a slim chance jk
  14. my bike has no controls to turn the lights off, they are always on, including the tail light, all I have is headlight brights. and some james bond mods
  15. also keep in mind, they might just PART OUT the entire bike on ebay or something! Be looking for that swing arm! and other noticeable stuff, once your got the sellers ID, contact the police and contact ebay to get that sellers address, or bid on one of the parts just to get the guys address if you find them.
  16. Im pretty sure your gonna need to bring that R1 over to my place so I can ride it
  17. yeah FL is a great place to live, I lived there for about 4 years. reciently they passed some crappy laws on bikes, like manditory jail time for wheelies or speeding or racing or some crap like that, I'm pretty sure Drunk Drivers and Child Molesters now get much lighter sentences and jail time than bikers who break the law, if you even consider riding a wheelie breaking the law, because I dont. I'm confident I ride better on one wheel than most old people on 4 wheels.
  18. when that stuff happens, PULL OVER to the side of the highway! and wait 5 or 10 minutes. A piece of aluminum flying through the air can chop your head clean off.
  19. hey do you know if these are silk screen or heat transfered? Many years ago when Cafe Press was introduced, everything was heat transfered. just wondering what they are doing now
  20. Excellent point, chances are they are going to repaint the whole bike or change out the plastics asap! smaller stuff would be what to look for!POST UP YOUR PLATE NUMBER!!!, and maybe your VIN, that way if any of us see it, we can phone the cops!!!
  21. 12oclocker

    NEO Cruisers

    whats a 'NEO cruiser' ?
  22. THAT IS TERRIBLE!!! I had a Dream Last night Someone with their face painted BLACK stole my 929 From WORK, this is WEIRD!!!! And I jumped in my work car to chase their ass down!! while phoning the police in pursuit, and the 911 operator idiot was telling me not to follow them! Ask your neighbors if they saw or heard anything last night, even go down a few houses both ways!! I'm glad to hear you had theft coverage! Also ask the neighbors if they seen anyone scoping out your place lately!
  23. 12oclocker

    Ride 7/27

    when I said lazy, I wasn't kidding! (thx i'll grab it )
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