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Posts posted by mrmako777

  1. You have got to be fucking kidding me. Excuse me for speaking on a situation that never involved me but i do believe it was YOUR forum that was making suggestions on how to assault and vandalize the property of an OR member (including the classy suggestion to "hook his headlights up to his gas tank") over a smart ass comment he made. This was one or 2 people messing with someone else, what you and some other members of YOUR website were doing was suggesting illegal ways to hurt someone or their property. I would highly suggest you think about what you post before you make dumb ass comments like this one. I have no problems personally with you or any other assfault junkies, I met several of you in Columbus in March, but before you jump off at the mouth with stupid fucking comments like this one try to think about your own actions in the past.

    can we PLEASE not rehash all this shit? whats done is done and the past is the past, lets leave it there. even the ones involved are over it...

  2. We have lives other than this website Nate. I was down in Gatlinburg for the weekend and didn't have internet at the cabin. Not that i missed your sacastic jackass comments...

    how could anyone miss those, nate is the man and as soon as youre willing to accept that luke the better off youll be...not to mention hes faster than you :lol:

  3. welcome, I live close to cheviot I think, I'm always up for a ride, but it does seem mrmako is getting jealous lately(queer(no offense if you happen to be queer) thinks all my riding time should be left to him....).

    Don't listen to him man, he's the resident douche bag. I taught this guy how to run the twisties and look what I get in return, no respect! :lol:

  4. guy was leaning all wrong. go back and watch how crossed up he was. ( ass way of but chest in the center still), he wasnt lowering his COG look at how high his upper body is still. wasnt setting up for the corners properly, wasnt holding his lines.

    no i agree his form was terrible. my point was about hanging off the bike in general

  5. Here is one guy that does NOT know how to do it. Not sure who taught this guy how to corner' date='

    he's counter-leaning way off the bike unnecessarily which actually prevents him from getting the proper lean on the bike...

    there are all sorts of things this guys did wrong. hanging off the bike, while i agree he did not need to do in 99% of those turns, did not cause that accident. im curious what you mean when you say the proper lean? lowering the cog by hanging off the bike compensates so you dont have to lean the bike as much for any given speed. i take it youre one of those guys that never hangs off the bike and pushes the tire to its traction limit? thats far more dangerous than hanging off the bike when its not needed

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