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Posts posted by mrmako777

  1. We got to get that bike fix asap. If Matt doesn't have his little buddy to ride with he's going to be a bitch to deal with

    careful luke, or you'll be my next riding bitch, er, i mean buddy :D

    yeah, 65 for the shifter and they could have it in by Friday. I've got to transfer some funds monday, but I'm just going to order rearsets.

    you goin with the woodcraft ones? i take it your gonna order your chain kit too, riiiiiight?

  2. yeah ive been kinda riding on my own and shit and getting mroe comfortable and practicing im no where near perfect but im starting to feel better at it and not worry as much...

    well good for you dave, told you one day you would...

  3. nate glad your ok man...wish iw ould have gotten off work earlier to ride with you guys...luke i coulda of swore i seen you today on 747 a couple times...

    youre gonna start hitting the twisties now?

  4. I love those hills man. I love pulling power wheelies off of them. If only Matt was man enough to even try pulling a wheelie...

    matt knows his limits, so matt takes it easy. besides, they may look cool, but wheelies arent really my thing. id much rather take the turns!

    i would figure you would do wheelies since you suck in the curves :lol:

  5. not your fault, I dont remember seeing a "hey dumbass. Follow me" sticker on the back of your bike. Matt waved me on early to do what I should have done, taken it easy on roads I dont know. I should have slowed down after grabbing air coming off that hill earlier in the ride, instead I grabbed dirt later on.

    we all make mistakes man, but i can tell you that was one hairy turn. im sure youre not the first to go down on that turn. off-camber chicane, with a fkn 3 foot ditch on the right side. be glad you went down on flat ground on the left side

  6. lol thats not even true Waterboarding .... a handfull of journalists have wussed out in last couple weeks .

    yeah ive seen videos where they actually dunk you under water, pull you back up, pour water over your face, wait, repeat

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