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Posts posted by mrmako777

  1. I have both twist of the wrists on pdf.. I can email them??

    jess, if you can email those to me id appreciate it! ill pm you my address.

    i also have sport riding techniques and Proficient Motorcycling on pdf for anyone thats interested

  2. :plus1: just take your time, we will wait for you and the more you get out the better you will become!!! just ask matt, i remember the first time he took a ride with us we considered turning around and making sure he didnt bite it... now look where he is. you will get there.

    +1. ^ True story bro. I've always told you, ride your own ride. The first time I rode with e, jerm and chris they really humbled me. At one point I remember considering turning around and goin home cause I couldn't keep up. We've all been where your at man, and some people are still faster than others, but like I told you before, the street is not a track and no ones racing you. Take your time, learn the bike and it will come. Keep practicing man and you will get the hang of it. I'll keep working with ya too.

    You should also consider reading Sportbike riding techniques and twist of the wrist 2. Required reading for any sportbike enthusiast.

  3. cause my name is jeremy, and people have been calling me jerm for short for years, and attak was one of my favorite bands years ago, so all my s/n's have been jermattak since i was a freshman in highschool

    busted! dude heres what you said in the old thread

    my name is jeremy, people call me Jerm, or The Jerm

    cant remember why i put attak in there, attak is an old punk band, but i never really liked them :dunno:

    fkn liar...:flingpoo:


  4. :lol: I wasn't making fun of you I was making fun of matt!!

    P.S. Cautious is a good thing.

    Haha yeah e you're one of the few that can make fun of me! I'm a lot faster now than the first time we rode together! :lol:

  5. When I checked yesterday it wasn't suppose to rain all day, but when I just checked again, It aint gonna let up much ??

    Fook I dunno, I wanted to go and ride the new bike again ! :mad:

    yeah today was supposed to be decent, but then last night they were saying its gonna rain all day. our next decent day to ride will be saturday. the only bad thing is that after a bunch of rain, the streets are usually shit until traffic cleans em off

  6. If we go early enough it shouldn't be a problem.

    its not really about what time i get back but more about the total amount of time im gone

    I'll ride early, But I gotta pick my new girl up at the airport in Daton at 5pm ??

    cool man. maybe ill ride up there with you if youre taking the bike

  7. there was a cop in the construction zone that pulled over another bike after you guys got off the highway. Luckily it wasn't us. I had a good time. Are you guys planning on going to Tri State tomorrow?

    P.S. Matt, I smoked you on the highway....

    lmao! you musta smoked nate cause i was a mile ahead of you haha. doubt ill be able to go to tristate tomorrow, next weekend would prolly be better for me since its short notice. what time were you plannin on goin?

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