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Posts posted by mrmako777

  1. thanks to everyone who came out! :cheers nice seeing everybody again, maybe ill be able to go to qs and l next week

    havent been around bikes in like a week, my heart was pumping when i heard all the bikes coming up my street, it was also party the drugs too i think, haha

    haha we take care of our own man! catman has crazy building skills man, maybe he can hook you up with that high powered wheelchair and you can ride into qs next week! woot!

    Good ride guys. Nice meeting Catman, Zuki, and Lamar. Keep the spirits up Jerm. You should take Mr. Mako up on his offer, that should help the spirits a bit...

    haha...he will. luke are you going down to edgewater with us tomorrow?

  2. a horse is tied to 30 ft of rope. a haystack lays 40 ft away, but the horse is able to eat it. how is this possible?

    the length of the horse from the end of his tail to his snout is at least 10 feet?

  3. I'll see you guys there, I'll have my ol'lady on the back. Gettin off work at 5 to go swoop... shoot me a text if you wanna meet up to ride in!

    Meet us at the chipotle at 530. I'm gonna grab a bite to eat so we prolly won't head out till 6

  4. Thanks, I think Jersey is a little far for me go for a bike though. I did sell the VStar yesterday though, so I'm sure I'll be making a move here really soon. I hate having a motorcycle shaped hole in my garage!

    wow dude that was fast! im not sure if this is what youre looking for, or if you could find one in your price range, but a vmax or b-king might be something worth looking at?

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