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Everything posted by mrmako777

  1. yeah bro get me the details on the a* boots and i'll see what i can do
  2. lizard what is the width? ive got some joe rocket street boots that fit well theyre just too damn wide. if duc doesnt get em let me know
  3. yeah man they dont make a high performance filter for my bike so im stuck with oem but it suits me just fine. as long as it keeps the shit out thats all that matters. as far as oil i only use amsoil. best oil you can buy...wait for it...wait for it...someone will disagree
  4. i saw an episode of mythbusters that showed a falling bullet wouldnt even pierce the skin
  5. yeha man those that ride with me know how over protective i am of my bike. shes my first! needless to say ive spent countless hours researching my bike and spend a ton of time on gixxer.com. i havent done anything stupid mechanically to the bike but when it comes down to internals, im just not familiar with it too much. i think at some point im goin to take some classes for my own endowment. i never want to take my bike to the stealership if i dont have to. i got lucky on this one. thanks again for all you guys help
  6. now im prolly gonna be seen as a dumbass but this is my first winter with a bike so i didnt know what to expect....but i have great news! i slapped the battery in her tonight and she fired up the first time so i let it get to about 200 and shut it off. put her in gear pulled the clutch in and she was rolling ALOT easier. i said the hell with it im gonna slap her in gear. so i turned the bike back on grabbed a handful of front brake said a small prayer and popped her into first. i let off the clutch a little and she scooted forward just fine! so all in all i was completely stressed out because she was cold and stiff. but shes back now and im happy! thanks for all your input guys, you guys rock!!!!
  7. satan i had the mobile site come up on my phone today but when i tried to post a reply it said something about a security note and that it couldnt post my message
  8. recon i do have the manual and have been pouring over it trying to find something but youre right it doesnt say anything about the sprocket cover. im hoping this is something small but at this point im at a loss. ive always done all the work on my bike (having some good helpers at times) and this just baffles me. any more thoughts please chime in. i will def report back as to what is causing all this once i figure it out
  9. haha nah bro the oil is drained and filled back to its recommended level. id never start it with that much in there. ok i talked to a couple people, mello maybe you would know something about this since you have a gsxr. i am told that the plates do not usually sit in oil they are only lubricated when the bike is running. so the thought is that maybe the plate fibers are saturated with oil causing them to stick. i was advised by one person to drain the oil completely and let it sit for 2-3 days. if i do this then the fibers should have drained any oil theyre holding. if i do not do this then when i pop it into 1st that will free the plates but i have read that this may cause the fibers to tear although i am told this is not likely. any thoughts on this?
  10. the clutch push rod was never taken out
  11. yeah bro i made sure that when it was reconnected it was exactly the same as before i took it off. the cable has good pull and the right slack at the hand lever
  12. yeah the suzuki manual recommends filling the bike to the filler hole. i used 2 gal and it still didnt reach the filler hole
  13. yeah i moved it around and still the same. this is what i am leaning towards as the culprit (hoping at least)
  14. i forgot to add a few things that may be of use: i winterized the bike according to suzukis manual and filled it with 2 gal of oil (bike has not been turned on tho). i have sinced drained the oil and refilled it with the proper amount. i did the sprocket change with the bike in gear and the rear tire off. sprocket nut was torqued down in gear bike has been sitting for 2 months lower sprocket case bolt is missing (all others torqued down to spec)
  15. yeah everything is good as far as the cable is concerned. the bike has been sitting for about 2 months now without being turned on at all
  16. so i just finished up doing my 520 conversion yesterday with jerm and brennan. i mentioned to them that i noticed when i pull the clutch in and try and spin the rear wheel, it will not move. so we take it off the stand and i put it in nuetral; all is good, bike rolls around like normal. so i put the bike in 1st, pull the clutch in and the bike barely moves. there was always some drag whenever i pulled the clutch in and tried to move the bike but this is much worse, like the clutch is not disengaging. im at my wits end with this and cant figure it out. anyone else have an issue like this?
  17. From everything I've heard so far the pcV will only work on 08-09 bikes so it won't help him
  18. the ex is the california model. just get the pc3
  19. the maps you can download off pc's website will suit you just fine man. if youre really anal about it just have it dynoed. otherwise youre gonna have to live with a generic map. in fact i dont even run the 2bros map pc has for my bike, i use the orient express map. you can play around or maybe ask on your bike specific forum which map will make your bike run the best. theres alot that goes into which map will work the best for your bike even if someone with the same bike is running a map and it works well. so start off with what is recommended and if you dont like the way the bike feels try other maps until the bike runs the best
  20. hayabusas have got to be one of the ugliest bikes ever but i like the white and blue
  21. hot damn that blue and white one is damn sexy!
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