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Everything posted by mrmako777

  1. mrmako777

    Skyline Fan?

    im a gold star man myself. skyline is way too greasy and soup like. gold star has substance
  2. i was thinking about buying an impact wrench but wasnt sure how it would do with my 3 gal 125 psi compressor. anyone know if it would work ok with such a small tank? and nick i feel your pain with the front sprocket. had to use my neighbors impact wrench to get mine off
  3. i find it disturbing he wants to ride around with other men wearing ass-less chaps
  4. Haha I had to text him and let him know we were givin him shit. Didn't want him to feel out
  5. :lol:yeah he had his leathers on today and told me he tucked his junk in between his legs cause they were so tight!
  6. me jerm and brennan rode down to the serpentine wall today and stuck mostly to the highway. there was some sand and salt in some places but not bad over all. if we keep this up this could be a sign of a damn hot summer
  7. yeah bro they prolly wouldnt fit a 12? i think they fit about like an 11.5. my sidi corsas are an 11 and they fit perfect
  8. lmao! nah bro i wouldnt do you like that! maybe brennan but not you
  9. jag these run a lil big so if you can squeeze into an 11.5 i think these would work for ya. if not i can cut your toes off and we can fit em in there that way
  10. this is just an fyi to the cincy guys that there is a new qs on colerain now by meijer. no more long treks to milford for the west siders! that is all, carry on
  11. dude we are out that way almost everytime we ride! im sure we will see you this summer
  12. haha i gave him shit for days man about leavin. he wouldnt even wait to ride with us one last time! im happy for him tho, sounds like everything is working out well so far
  13. chris just called and said he made it down there safely for anyone that wants to know
  14. im usually out that way on river road, old colerain etc whenever its nice out. look for a red/white gixxer 600
  15. mrmako777

    WTB TL1000r

    thats bad ass bro! i have always wanted a tl. i take it youre not doin the r1 now?
  16. dude what size do you wear? im sellin a pair of joe rocket super street boots
  17. yup heard its not worth the cash
  18. i think out my way we got like 4-5". its supposed to start warming up friday with some spotty showers for the weekend. the rain plus all the fucking snow melting is going to make riding a wet adventure, but i think im going to brave it. hopefully it wont be too bad
  19. haha you just know i have the gp plus. are you trying to outdo me brennan? haha
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