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Posts posted by Lost

  1. Well, I have been street riding for 30 some years, Ridden most if not all of the asphalt roads in southern ohio and west virginia.

    I have a pretty tight group of friends. To me the quality of friend is more important that quantity. I would rather have 5 really close friends that 20 acquaintances.

    While I am entertained by the party pictures posted, of the drunken silliness. I would rather throw some pork on the smoker, have some bourbon and cigars for an evening of good food, drink and conversation.

  2. Ridden with a large group a few times.

    Not my thing.

    I ride with three trusted friends on long weekend rides.

    Riding with a bunch of people of unknown skill, on unknown quality bikes, and unknown mentality.

    Btw, I enjoy the monday morning ride crash reports. What is the record for most crashes on a single ride.....Was it 6?????

    Just the way I want to spend my recreation time, waiting on an ambulance and tow truck for hopefully someone else's wreck.

  3. We have had 9 people fired because of what they put on their face book pages during work hours. Calling you boss fat and stupid isn't all that smart. Even if you forgot that she was on your friends list.

    Wasn't there a banker or mortgage broker that took a bunch of money and split. I think it was in seattle, the DA followed him on facebook and had the Mexican Popo pick him up.

  4. The first tid bit I am gonna dole out is. YOUR A PARENT FIRST, FRIEND SECOND

    hmmmmm, So you need GPS to see where your daughter is????

    I will go with the group about parenting,

    NO it is not normal for a 9 year old to have a boy friend and texting.

    You need to become more involved in your daughters life.

  5. That last link was trying to get you to join the John Birch society.

    Issac......Every article I read about New Orleans was about collecting abandon arms. who leaves their house with out their guns. Where LE screwed up was when they gathered the guns they didn't record from where they came. Now they are making you provide proof of ownership before they return them. Gee, most people lost everything in the floods. So where are they gonna find a list of serial numbers.

    My cousin said there were running gun battles in the streets between gangs. He still carrys down there because of safety concerns.

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