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Status Updates posted by jagr

  1. Do we hafta take cold showers together till the wee hours of the morning now? :D

  2. Hey get my plate if you can. It's a big oval maroonish one that had the veggies on it.

    Thanks brother I had a blast.

  3. Tell your friend to join as well. We have a few painters here from all over the state. Its good to have options and hopefully someone a lil more local to spray your ride.

    Thanks for posting. Don't be a stranger.

  4. When you guys moving?

  5. nah. prolly just chill later.

  6. Oh i found it in April. Cool.

  7. You get my voice mail message?

  8. Did you Post a thread about your event?

    Sounds like a good time too. I should be able to make it.

  9. Waht up mang. im just hating all this cold shit. what up with you? got the vrod put up yet?

  10. no muaic yet slacker? I thought fir sure youd have lil Troy playing.

  11. I was thinking of heading out to the ice cream fest tomorrow. gotta see what the weathers like.

  12. jagr

    Well do it dood.

  13. Waht up CCW Dewd? im trying to get my stuff together for the Sheriff.

  14. I thought you were gonna nail that curb for sure. Did you have a little seat pucker?

  15. I'd like to put at least a couple rounds through it if possible. If it looks good and fires right we should be able to come to an agreement.

  16. We talked about that song a while ago. Sorry, I remember shit like that. That playlist.com has like everything. I need to find some different ones.

  17. Dont know if you have this yet. use the first link under "FORMS" on the right.


    Sheriffs pagr. click CCW on the left.


  18. jagr

    What's up with the wacura?

  19. Sounds like a plan. You wanna get in on the CCW course?

  20. Gunshow huh? Might do that.

  21. Thanks Me brudda.

  22. What up dude. Glad you and jus had a good ride. Did yard work most of the day. Had to replace my mower blade. I guess they don't like tree stumps that much. I got too close and it bent the shit out of it. I needed a new one anyways. Cut down a bunch of branches and bundled them up. Got a good sunburn too. Catch you later.

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