I'm leaning that way. No No No. Im good with polymer. I'm not good with the archangel as its all just a plastic cover, rails an all. I do not want to mount optics to plastic rails. Last I saw Cdubya he had just put an archangel on his. He said he had to soften it in the over before install. The top rail seemed to bow upwards of memory serves. This. I do like it. Everything is out of stock right now except the red and pink lam stocks. Boyd's is at the top of my list right now. Yes. If I pick up another 10/22 cheap I would do this. Maybe for my son. Inchange my mind on this weekly. One day i want to sell it and start over the other i want to dump more cash in it so IDK I'm prolly just gonna get a Blackhawk Axiom for now. Till Boyd's gets their shit together.