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Everything posted by jagr

  1. They have a place called Big Gay Als that is dedicated to Butthole Pleasures.
  2. And the Scooter Pimps too.
  3. Take her to the Amish country. Buggy ridin bastages!
  4. Franklin Park Conservatory is pretty cool. She can see a bit of every climate the States have to offer. Also the Columbus Museum of Art is well stocked. Links. http://fpconservatory.org/ http://www.columbusmuseum.org/
  5. I always see your people there but never you Mr. Overemployed. Here's the addy 4949 E. Dublin-Granville Rd, Columbus, OH 43081
  6. OMFG. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpsi8jury_I&sns=em Sad but true.
  7. jagr

    hocking ride

    T bone and I hit 374 and 180 today. It was a beautiful fresh clean road. Turned off and went by Lake Logan and ate at Millstone BBQ. Yum.
  8. I was at Pony this morning and they were test riding an RSV4 around the lot. It sounded Baller for sure.
  9. It's not my neck of the woods but give me a date and I'll get the balls oiled. Er. Rolling I mean.
  10. I remember you saying something like that when i asked you to fix my phone.
  11. Unrelated but here's Moose with his Unicorn.
  12. Welcome to the site. Enjoy.
  13. Happy Birfday Mang!!!

  14. Okay. Remember all you don't have to lead women and children as much.
  15. It's been discussed. Now make with the welcomes.
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