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Status Updates posted by jagr

  1. 5 minutes tops from Buddys I'm told. It's about $60 a night.

  2. 7 am on Monday. after that 6 AM to 2:30.

  3. 7:30 you blind as mofugga. and yes we know you have to ask the "Warden". :D

    You know where Crosswoods is right? The lil plaza attached use to have a BW3.

    Now BW# is a place called Jeds.

  4. Aame to you man worry I'd I was bitchy.

  5. Actually I just had 3 PBRs.

    Merry Christmas to you too. Looks like you got some cool gear.

  6. jagr

    Aight mang. Catch you later

  7. jagr

    Aight. Also we are doing a lil shindig at the Knights of Columbus hall Saturday the 26th.

    Vroddave is moving to Florida and it'll be a going away/ holilday party.

  8. Aight. And really Thank You. Tell wifey I'll be by after 8 for the pick up.

  9. jagr

    Aight. get with phop and let me know whats up. im working next week, he isnt.

  10. Airwing huh? It's all good. Somebodys gotta have it good I guess. :D

    Welcome aboard.

  11. All I really wanna do is put a new chain on. Don't have the tools or expertise.

  12. all right man, i'll give you a call early afternoon

  13. Almost 12 hour. 400 miles. Them dudes like their smoke breaks. Lol. My ass is destroyed. I gotta do some work on that seat. Buth other than that it was all good. Well except the rain. Got sprinkled on once. Rained on once and DOMINATED once. I snapped so

    e phone pics. But art and Tom took some professional shots.

  14. Also PM me the dyno day price. You said something about a deal.

  15. also to get the reward, you have to sing the agreement within 30 days of me sending the invite. so i wont do it until your ready. Pm me your email address you want me to send it to when your ready to go.

  16. and one for your sig line.


  17. Any idear when the tires will be in? I'll prolly pull the wheels tonight or tomorrow.

  18. jagr

    Any time Broski.

  19. APCh8r is selling some new tires pretty cheap, not sure if they will fir your bike. just a heads up.


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