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Status Updates posted by jagr

  1. Prolly not the same price but you can get the size and order thru STG.

    Or ask IP to pricematch. I know they do that too.

  2. I need to get that bag mang. Whats your schedule look like this week.

    Im in Westerville.

  3. I can't get the front wheel off. What tool do I need. I have one of the multisize wheel thingys but they are all too big. Hit up a hardware store for a 12 mil Allen wrench. No dice. Suggestions?

  4. Nah. I don't have it like that. It was a shitty week and I needed to let loose. Which apparently I did. I just had a lil too much a lil too quick.

  5. Shit. It sucks right now. Everybody talking shit about how nice it was "supposed" to be. It was crappy and still cold. Oh wells it'll be over in a couple months.

  6. Been to the grove of sugars lately?

  7. Keep posting up pics of your handiwork. Stuff looks good.

  8. We got acouple weeks. It'll get worked out.

  9. What up Foo? You made my "Pretty fly for a er..um.. Yellow bike ridin guy" list. :D

    hope to catch up with you next week too.

  10. If you didn't know your VFR is BACK at the pony again. Laters.

  11. What size boot you wear? ill keep a look out.

  12. Wazup Flychic? It was good to meet you yesterday. Hope to see you out more.

  13. Hey I'm serious about this. LOL.

    I'm on Rideohio too. Jagr as well. It's mostly older cruiser dudes. Not as lively as here. Nor as active. But a good spot nonetheless.

    Later O' Fearless leader.

  14. Fo sho. I'm usually at these things. See ya around.

  15. Thanks for everything Saturday night. It was a good time.

  16. That's the ONLY album I've been listening too this year.

    Just recently I've been mixing more Mudvayne and a lil Alice in Chains.

    But mostly 5FDP.

  17. No. I'm gonna head to GNC and get some steroids. ;)

  18. I want to sell the scooter.

  19. jagr

    well thats cool man. i cant remember, do you have a busa or a 14?

  20. It's cool dude. We sat at the firestation for a minute to see if you were coming.

    Catch you next time.

  21. wanna meet me at Jeds in Crosswoods tomorrow for dinner? Its where the BW3 use'd to be. 7:30pm. Couple of us are going.

  22. Yeah it rides real good. New bearings and rubber prolly help alot though. The bearig in it were fried. Dust seals gone and all gunked up. I'm suprised it rolled at all.

  23. Looks like you're all set Allstate.

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