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Status Updates posted by jagr

  1. Ive never looked into it. I know Cheech has a good one. you could ask him. Also check with your insurance agent to see if you would get a discount.

  2. Are you talking on for your bike or your apartment?

  3. Thts cool. i know Olentangy Commons. Nice place just keep your bike locked up.

  4. Where you at in westerville? Im over by Westerville South. There are quite a few of us in da Ville.

  5. IDK man. theres gotta be some way to do it. sleep on it. something will come to you.

  6. Link says "Deleted by author" so im going to say no. :D

  7. oK. Ashley is out of them already. And we haven't even given any to the so called sponsors.

  8. Are those the $3 ones? If so make me about 10. I'll pay for them.

  9. No kid that weekend. We'll be out of town too.

  10. I will just snapped that one with my phone after a lil ride on her. The tail looks shitty cause im using the original tail plastics for the inspection. i have a newer one ill have painted post inspection.

  11. jagr

    Nah. im going to strt for real. Shits been crazy busy lately. wanna burn it?

  12. jagr

    Its doing great sitting there by the tv. lol

  13. Img_0863.jpg

  14. No prob. Cant you get different sized liners? Or is that just in the lower grade helmets?

  15. You get the logo email?

  16. nice. I like it.

  17. yeah I'll prolly be there.

  18. Aame to you man worry I'd I was bitchy.

  19. jagr

    What time you going? I'm not doing shit else.

  20. Hey thanks for the cards and everything you did for us at the scavenger hunt. It was good to meet you.

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