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Status Updates posted by jagr

  1. jagr

    Yeah but the king needs to sell some bling to get some rear rubber.

  2. jagr

    I can do Wed. night.

  3. prolly eat too.

    That's where I had lunch too. Nom nom nom.

  4. Hey Ashley. No mistaking that name. This is Jason. Jagr on here. Patrick is phop5.

    Welcome aboard.

  5. What up dude. Glad you and jus had a good ride. Did yard work most of the day. Had to replace my mower blade. I guess they don't like tree stumps that much. I got too close and it bent the shit out of it. I needed a new one anyways. Cut down a bunch of branches and bundled them up. Got a good sunburn too. Catch you later.

  6. You havent been on in almost a month. FAIL.

  7. No didnt even notice. Ill prolly be back up there at some point this summer for a DTC event.

  8. I passed Elyria today. Went up 250/13 to Huron to pick up my rims today from Just2EZ05. He does good work. Laters.

  9. I'm still at work. Prolly be here another 30 min.

  10. Thanks Me brudda.

  11. jagr

    Hes a member here but i dont know his SN. I sent a pm to one of the mods that know him.

  12. jagr

    Hung w/ Lance @ the DynoDay. Ill prolly be there noonish to early afternoon. Ill call you if you want. Im gonna head to sanduskey early sat. moning to pick up my rims.

  13. jagr

    Waz up amigo. Hey i hung out with Lance las saturday. That springer front end is wicked. You going to the meat n' greet on saturday?

  14. Bike looks good dude. Can't wait to see it in person.

  15. AWESOME!!!

    I knew I loved you for a reason you sexy bish.

  16. What's up mang? Hey I need bearings/dust seals Put in my Z rims. Also gonna have you guys put tires on as well. The wheels are being P coated and I should have them back next week. Whattya say?

  17. Looks like you had an interesting ride.

  18. nothin but love for you Homie.

  19. Getting the steed together?

  20. MOD?

    suckass :D.

  21. I dont plan on elling it anytime soon bro. So get with me when you get back and well see. Its an 04 Si with full factory kit, factory upgraded suspension and exhaust. Honda R&D had it about a year before it was sold. i picked it up in 06 with 7K miles on it. its got like 34K now. Also got the 100K/ 7year FULL extended warrantee. so its fully covered untill spring 2012. youll prolly want some new hottness when you get back anyways.

  22. Start a thread about that ride. i bet you get some takers.

  23. jagr

    Thats a good looking bike in your avatar pic.

  24. Mikey, hows the little one and the misses doing?

  25. cadite eos. novit enim dominus qui sunt eius

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