Nah. It's been there awhile. JJ1 swears by it. It's at the other end of the plaza where the Movie theatre is right off of 270. It's really good. If not that day another day then.
Fuck that Church and all in it. If I was at a funeral and saw a dude with a sign that read " Thank God for Dead Soldiers" I would absolutly lose it. These fuckers need to go.
BlakTod was a jarhead too??? Good to know brudda and I likes your peashooter. Talk shit about Baretta all you want people. I think I had one stovepipe in a school. Never another failure.
Silverfox duh. It had a silverfox and even said silverfox. I was there about 6pm. She's working in helmets when I saw her. I didn't get to say Hi as she was with customers.