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Status Updates posted by jagr

  1. Where the fuck your bitchass been???

  2. Where the fuk you been? rebuilding the Kat?

  3. Where the hell are you??

  4. Where we eatin Sunday?

  5. Where you at in westerville? Im over by Westerville South. There are quite a few of us in da Ville.

  6. Where you been kid? i miss all your rabble rousing.

  7. Where you been mang? Looks like we have a ride this coming Saturday in C-bus. Toys or Tots ride. Laters.

  8. Where you been mang?

  9. Where you been???

    See you tonight.

  10. Which bike is the new one? 02 or 07?

  11. White lightening is Ron burgundy.

  12. jagr

    Who are you? Have we met? :D

    yeah but we have audits Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. So the week after might be better.

  13. Wife will be working on a school project most of the day tomorrow so im down for the show. Send me the details if you decide to go. Laters.

  14. Will do. I was thinking either July 5th or the 12th. Both are Sundays. I'll get with the IP guy and see what's what. Good luck on the bike search.

  15. Wish you was closer so we could split some beers and talk about "back when".

  16. WL is Ron burgundy.

  17. Wow. Sounds stellar. Take some pics and be safe.

    I might suggest PMing a member named AOW. He lives in costal Cali now. Former Columbus resident too. Great guy as well.

  18. WTF? I passed you twice Thursday of last week while riding with Gooner and you just waved like i was nobody.

  19. wuz up tangerine terror? Shits weak here. Laters

  20. Yardwork in the AM and gonna get my lil man tomorrow sometime.

    So prolly no ridin for me. What about you?

  21. yeah a few months ago i wouldve had no problem selling it. but situations change and i think ill be keeping it awhile. ill keep an eye open if you tell me what you are looking for. laters.

  22. jagr

    Yeah but the king needs to sell some bling to get some rear rubber.

  23. Yeah I am shitty. :D You need anything let me know.

    like I said we have alot of good people up that way and I know you'll make some good friends. FYI, Catman is on here too. Later Ladyfriend.

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