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Status Updates posted by jagr

  1. yep confirmed. one source says they are laying down 24 tracks just for this movie.

  2. jagr

    What's up Crocinator?

  3. try to play Primus on my page. it says vid no longer available.

  4. The more rep you have the bigger your wang is.

  5. Whats up Ladyfriend?

  6. Hater.

    You didn't see my 2 Prez. Unit citations? Come on dude. I was in when Clinto. Was running shit. He wouldn't let us off the chain. Had orders to Somalia. They cancelled that. Had orders to Bosnia. Cancelled those too. Want you gonna do? Were you in?

  7. Sounds good. See you 9:30ish.

  8. APCh8r is selling some new tires pretty cheap, not sure if they will fir your bike. just a heads up.


  9. you really have a Hyosung?

  10. Are you gonna get in on this. itll prolly be a good turn out.


  11. We'll git R' Done somehow. :D

  12. No go with Pauly.

    I think I'm going with these.


    what about you?

  13. Haven't seen the red one yet. Hope to soon though.

  14. jagr

    Forgot to wish you a happy Birthday.

    So Happy Birthday.

  15. Yep. Full coverage through allstate.

  16. Welcome. youll be a good fit here. We are having a going away party for a member on 12-26-09 @ the Knights of Columbus hall in Whitehall. let me know if you are interested and want more details. Laters.

  17. Good to know you're ok. I was gonna text yiu tomorrow.

    Are you hooking up with Dave?

  18. jagr

    Sounds like you have a good day planned.

    Oh and we're doing it Sunday, not tomorrow. Have fun.

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