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Status Updates posted by jagr

  1. Hey, we are just joking about the Katana thing. the road is yours.

    we just had 2 Katanas go down in, i think the same month. Laters.

  2. We are friends so don't go startin a sisE-fight.

  3. Nah. It's been there awhile. JJ1 swears by it. It's at the other end of the plaza where the Movie theatre is right off of 270. It's really good. If not that day another day then.

  4. Done deal dude. They didnt look at shit. Signed my stuff and that was it.

  5. What's up. I was the guy talking with you Thursday night about scooters and Dickies. :D

    see you soon. Are you coming to the meet n greet Sunday?

  6. Good. Just reaching out to my people. I've been in a funk most of the year.

  7. you get the PM on that hdmi switch?

  8. Yep yep. prolly both if i can.( Wife)

  9. Its still a lil rough. but its a heluva ride.

  10. It was keberhardt.

    Had a good time with you guys. Thanks for letting me roll with you.

  11. when did you get MODDED?

    Good choice though. Good Luck.

  12. Happy Birthday Stranger.

  13. We gotta make a date to get Loonys shit done.

    And mine.

  14. Powers that be have asked that you shrink your sig.

    Thanks Mang!

  15. Learn you some numbers boy. :D there's 4 there.

    Two are going out tomorrow. Wifey wants to ride.

  16. Did you call me tonight?

  17. yep ill prolly be there.

  18. Yep that's his screenname.

  19. http://www.riderforums.com/showthread.php?t=53296

    05 hayabusa headlight unit WITH projector. $75 shipped. i know the guy too, well forum wise. i bought a z1000 rear rim off him. Thought you might want it for your project. Later Holmes.

  20. Sounds like a plan. :D

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