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Everything posted by jagr

  1. Nice uniform lil man.^^^

    And you were laughing at me? BitchPlease. Hahahaha.

  2. Yeah. You got some warrants or something???
  3. Jrmii i know you coulda taken him no problem. And Skulls is right. you'll catch a scar putting a camera in peoples face.
  4. Wheelies for the Lord. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZRoOx5L0DE
  5. We should all get together, wrench on bikes and ride small animals.
  6. My Z is FI and has the choke thingy you're talking about. It's basically an idle adjuster. On the Kawi it let's you run it 4k rpms.
  7. He coulda def killed someone sitting there. That rev shit just makes me want to slap somebody.
  8. WTF is this about? Epic Motorcycle Fail at the end. http://www.ebaumsworld.com/video/watch/80725837/ Sorry if this is a repost.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-58-36lSqG4
  10. Dump truck passing a bike? Why? RIP Rider.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=labytsb3gfI
  12. Cool pics. Just get that fukkin gixxer outta there. Oh wait. was that the pivot man???
  13. DubDude, i know your girl. She works at Dreamgirls right?
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