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Everything posted by jagr

  1. Wife and son came home with bags full of Navy swag. They even had a flight simulator. My son said he loved it. Also had lots of gear from all the branches set up. Pretty cool.
  2. Yeah i got that. My son was like WTF is he doin'.
  3. jagr

    Fuel fragrances

    I always run the "Sexual Chocolate" scent in my Z.
  4. This kinda chic flick? http://www.redtube.com/23232
  5. I dont know what they did. i started feeling like shit around Lancaster ( i hear it does that to alot of folk) and turned around and went home. Sorry Kid.
  6. They need to put you in the middle of the oil aisle and get rid of some of that other crap. Just my .02
  7. no shit where??? oh wellz. Moose tried to call Fonz and/or sam today to see if we should ride up. unable to reach anyone. Prolly for the best as i was feeling crappy anyways.
  8. It's actually pretty easy to score tix at face value. Just have to know where to look. Also helps that my wife is alumni AND a grad student. But this year we didn't get an Alumni offer to buy tix. Neither did a couple of her friends. Whadupwitdat?
  9. My wife and son are going to the game too. She scored tickets a few rows up In the lower section on the 20 yard line on the Navy side. I'm going ridin. Laters.
  10. FocusDave??? I remember a WhoolieDave that lost his key all the time. welcome back. Get a tire cheaper onwhine and get with Chris for sure.
  11. To seek out new life, new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before.
  12. Too much lean + low speed + braking = falling over like a dumbass in a bank parking lot at about 4pm with like 8 people looking at me. I rode it all the way down though. I jumped up and picked that bitch up like it was a 10 speed. Went to the ATM in full gear with helmet shield down. And rode out quick. Shit happens I guess.
  13. FYI. Katanas Have been banned from use in Coshocton County. Welcome to the spot and enjoy your stay.
  14. Time to party like a rockstar. Welcome back bro.
  15. I'll try to meet up with you. I have to put another tail plastic on the Z. We fell down yesterday and went boom.
  16. Dude if the levers fit my 03 z1000 I'll take em. I really need to change out these stock longhorns. I'm in Westerville too.
  17. Im in. Might be there earlier than 7.
  18. T you can rent all that stuff at the track for like 50.
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