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Everything posted by jagr

  1. Just saw I posted on my own page. Sry.

    That's cool we'll hook up Thursday. I'll go pick up some coveraterial and look for some mem foam and gel. Anything else let me know.

  2. Welcome to the site new guy. And What up Loonz?
  3. True. And even after all that It's cheaper than a new bike. Even if you had it painted.
  4. Start. Stop. Bullshit for a bit. Rinse. Repeat. You'd be suprised. But since your snuggly self is attending. I'll hang with you. KC, I an always sext you of I have to jet.
  5. Somebody could streetfighter the shit out of that thing. G/L with the sale.
  6. FYI. Online prices are IIRC, 10% less than in store prices. That 10% is to pay you back for the mental trauma of buying online.
  7. I just wanna do breakfast. Give them some monies and hit Hocking.
  8. I think he means he's doing the Utica Fire Dept. Poker run thang.
  9. Can you do it again on Saturday? If so alot of us would be down for this.
  10. Nice. ^^ good write up.
  11. That's cool. I'll see you thurs. and we'll figure out the seat stuff.

  12. Well if you have no plans you wanna ride somewhere.

  13. Ok. Qsl it is. Kahoots can wait.
  14. Oh shit Jnor picked you up? http://www.ohio-riders.com/member.php?u=958 He is a member here too. His post from Ride Ohio Nice huh? And dont flame Jnor. Hes right.
  15. Original post updated. All Charity monies raised will go to Flying Horse Farms. http://www.flyinghorsefarms.org/
  16. Im not sure. guess i better find out.

  17. http://stores.sportbiketrackgear.com/Detail.bok?no=3176 Looks like they are about $25 cheaper than when i bought them a couple months back. Also no sales tax and FREE SHIPPING. FTW.
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