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Status Updates posted by oomp

  1. oomp

    hey bubba , I not gonna be able to make it this weekend . I will fill ya in later

  2. oomp

    whats new home slice , everything cool ?

  3. oomp

    get it done for next week then , I have a feeling next Weds is going to be nice .

  4. oomp

    are you going to the Cleveland bike show in Jan ?

  5. oomp

    sup J , you and Phop wanna do Lunch some day next week ?

  6. you def going , if so what time ?

  7. if the weather is good Wed , I'm gonna go to Pig Iron around 8pm . you in ?

  8. oomp

    you def going , if so what time ?

  9. hey , looks like I should have the 10th free . we still gonna do this ride ?

  10. doood ...... just put it back together already , ya know you want to .

  11. oomp

    whats going on dude , I see you just joined ( noob ) ... lol . good to see ya in here man .

  12. whats up kracker

  13. oomp

    did ya see my noob post sucka !!! are you happy now .... lol

  14. oomp

    you know me to well , thats is nice , but think of the bike I could build for 14 grand

  15. hey , you want a FMF power Core Spark Arrestor for your Warrior ?

  16. you come and get it and its yours .

  17. just got back from the Dragon today , lots of rain but still a good time .

  18. oomp

    yeah man I had to head up North for the weekend to close up my Parents place for the Winter . whats new with you ?

  19. hey man , looks like I won't be able to make it anyway .

  20. we still got some good rides in ,we rode the Dragon in the rain Friday . you know how it is the rain just gave us more time to drink .

  21. oomp

    the season aint over yet bro , I rode to work every day this week .

  22. oomp

    hey whats new ?

  23. oomp

    yeah man all is cool , it rained just about every day and the Dragon is no fun in the rain . had a great time anyway

  24. oomp

    the weekend was sweet man , I needed to get away for a few . now I'm going to the Dragon on Wed . when I get back we will ride

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