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Everything posted by Hwilli

  1. Kimber Ultra Compact is on the radar. I've also been looking at the Para LDA CCO, but have been reading some sketchy reviews. My intention of this thread was to get people who carry a .45 to give their opinion on the guns they carry, and offer recommendations. It was not to start another why which caliber is better discussion. Also if you are suggesting my only option based on my very limited description of "I want something in .45" equates to only a 1911.. I'm sure you aware that all 1911s are not equal. Eat a dick? Anyone else besides Curby have anything useful to add?
  2. I didn't mean to OR, I meant to me.

  3. I am going to be picking up a .45 solely for carry. I am generally not a fan of composite guns, but may give them a second look. .45 only. I don't want .40 or 9mm. Thanks, H
  4. OMG you are addicted.

  5. I know I am huge and intimidating, but next time you can come over and say hello.
  6. I heard it caused a huge fight, and he beat her because of it! Excellent time, and I felt right at home with all you guys even though it was my first time meeting many of you. I look forward to the next one
  7. GM Build quality. I have heard rumors of at least two UR Lambos here in Ohio. 8 second 1/4 mile, 200+ in the texas mile, pump gas, drive it anywhere. Seems like a pretty nice package to me.
  8. PRO10OH(PROgresive 10 OHio) gets you $10 tickets on line.

  9. I may keep posting large pics, so that I can take over your whole wall.

  10. Hwilli


    Fuck you Ginger.
  11. I am going to make a sample as well, but I will be using rocks and twigs, and caterpillars, if I can find any caterpillars this time of year.

  12. I think I am leaving at 5. Sitting here is driving me nuts :)

  13. You stole his bucket, and now he is pissed.

  14. The vocals sound really good Art. Everything else sounds decent for one take/not mastered. You'll be badass when it comes time to play out
  15. I saw this last night, and the Yoda one almost made me pee. I rarely laugh so hard my sides hurt, but this one did it.
  16. Don't be jealous. You know if you were there, you'd have been the meat in an Hwilli/Yota Sandwich. *kisses*
  17. Next time you are drunk, and snatch me up I will try and remember that we are using high school wrestling rules, and that jiu jitsu is illegal No clue about the eye either, it started to hurt right after you left, luckily you could only see it with my eye closed. BTW, just for the record, I was not nor am I angry. This thread wasn't even about that. I just thought it was a cool song, and it reminded me about how much you like Tequila
  18. Go find the thread I posted for you a week ago.

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