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Everything posted by SWing'R

  1. I was thinking the same thing , also was thinking if hes buying gifts then I wanna be his friend too
  2. You're kidding right. Sheez, guys will be guys, we like porn!
  3. We already voted. Gotta love the absentee mail-in ballot. No pressure.
  4. Yeah we'll definetly be there, we'll bring some food donations too, plenty of room in the SWing trunk! Jagr, just let me know when you can make it, plus you got my cell#, give me a ring or text tomorrow night or first thing Sat morning.
  5. Hey, hey, hey....wake up, you musta fell asleep cause YOU'RE DREAMIN!
  6. Weather looks good on Saturday and this is like 3miles from our house, anyone wanna meet up here and maybe make it an informal lunch get together at Hometown Buffet next door? You got D&B's, Fridays and Damons all right nearby too. Anyone? DiamoGirl has a previous engagement later in the day but can probably attend too if we make it early, like 11'ish. She's been itchin to get back out on the , neither of us have rode in a couple weeks
  7. PrincessPratt posted a bunch before the site crashed, get on her to repost'em! And where the hell are all the pics Big Blue Bird was taken???????? C'mon BBB, pony up!
  8. Like I said.... "seemed like as good a time as any"! What with the world ending an all the other day
  9. SWing'R


    This week has been like some wierd deja vu. Welcome back my SWing'Rette
  10. http://www.ohio-riders.net/showthread.php?t=17076
  11. Yeah I'd say replace the fan for sure, its quick and inexpensive.
  12. Upload 'em to a photo site like PhotoBucket.
  13. I 'll claim about 150 or so of those hits
  14. It was BigBlueBird. I was thinking about him today as I was behind a school bus, it said BlueBird on the mud flaps
  15. Since the pictures portion of the other thread is now gone, thought I'd help recreate it here. Here are my pics from the Meet & Greet last weekend... http://s175.photobucket.com/albums/w139/davidjrosso/BikeNights_MotorcycleEvents/OR_Meet_An_Greet_2008-10-26/?albumview=grid
  16. Thats exactly what I think when I see someone in front of me (holding up the line) at the grocery store writting one! For real, get a damn check card people.
  17. I just keep the tank full and put in some gas stabilizer, at least once a week go out and start it up and let it run about 10minutes. This will be my second winter too
  18. I was ridin on Christmas day last winter! I rode all winter, any weekend it was above 40deg!
  19. Yeah I'll give you that; It was partly crash's idea, but I came up with the abbreviated R on my own
  20. Was considering a screename change anyway, didn't have to reregister after the board crash but timing seemed appropriate, so I've decided to dump the "my name as the screename" thing and have gone with a much cooler (I think anyway) play on the nickname for my bike, SilverWings are commonly called "Swings" amongst other silverwing riders so "SWing'R" sounded cool.
  21. Wow, its like the meet and greet never happened. We should have it again!
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