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Everything posted by SWing'R

  1. Did you read all the comments posted to the story. Damn.
  2. Being on a scooter I deal with some of this same attitude from some sportbikers, so think about that too, would you treat me as your equal if I rode along with you or would you give me shit for riding a scooter? You might treat me as an equal, but there are plenty of guys that won't. There are genuinely nice bikers in all of the different "clicks" but there are also plenty that are stuckup assholes that think their group is the only group that should be out here. I feel it will always be this way. All we can do is try to be nice to our fellow bikers no matter what they ride and hope that sometime that niceness comes back at ya.
  3. No not necessarily. Did you read the code posted by the other guy. Just because its under 50cc does not automatically make it a MOPED. According to the bmv and orc it has to meet all three of these criteria... - capable of being pedaled - equipped with a helper motor of not more than fifty cc displacement - capable of speed no greater than twenty miles per hour on a level surface. So unless this thing has PEDALS it should be listed as a motorcycle.
  4. No harm done She must be on a little scooter I am intersted to know why it is this way though, I didn't think there were any scooters under 50cc on the market that would be classified as a moped. Unless she just really has no idea what she is talking about.
  5. Hes gonna have to run against me too... http://www.news3online.com/index.php?code=9Kb218u30bG08zFk98qL Cool.
  6. Just an update...I was in downtown yesterday, saw three of the mc/scooter parking spots on Gay St, each one was FULL. All were full with mc's, and one scooter!
  7. You've apparently not done much driving in or around Columbus, if theres one thing you learn real quick its that a green light don't mean shit in this town! ALWAYS scan the intersection when going thru and NEVER, oh god, NEVER blow off the line at a red light changin to green, sure as shit two more cars will blow thru the light!
  8. You're comparing VISITING another country to LIVING in one.
  9. What you seem to be forgetting Nick, or ignoring is that this country was founded by foreigners. The foreigners that founded this country took it from the Native Americans. So unless your last name is Running Water or Soaring Eagle then YOU are of FOREIGN descent yourself and if it not for YOUR ancestors leaving the "old country" you would not be here today practicing your right to free speech. You are entilted to your opinions, but don't expect everyone to agree with them, then get mad because they don't.
  10. Can someone give the "cliffs note version" of that video for us inpatient people that turned it off after about 2.5minutes! I'd like to know what it was about but it bored me way to quick What was the point to it?
  11. SWing'R


    It means "Not Work Safe".
  12. Probably a good idea , I am glad you're okay by the way in case I didn't mention that!
  13. Laugh all you will, but you remember a few weeks ago when almost everyone in this forum agreed at how irresponsible the riding of the asphaultjunkies was when they were "filtering traffic" at over 65mph. So how much more responsible is this... "Came around this turn, 75-80mph, knees down" (jermattak's own words). Not knowing for sure the condition of the road in the turn, not knowing if a car might have been coming, not knowing if someones kid was riding a bicycle in the road, etc etc. Don't get me wrong, I like the twisties too, but I'm thinking that anything OVER twice the posted speed limit in a curve is plain irresponsible riding. Now most of you will probably not say it here, but I'm pretty sure alot of you would agree with me.
  14. This is just getting ridiculous! Obviously sympathy goes out to the families involved...RIP.... http://www.nbc4i.com/midwest/cmh/news.apx.-content-articles-CMH-2008-08-03-0019.html http://www.nbc4i.com/midwest/cmh/search.apx.-content-articles-CMH-2008-08-03-0006.html
  15. Sensing a trend here.... speed = accidents! Maybe time for ya guys to stop pushing the envelope so much! Just a thought
  16. I HAVE been turned away from a parking garage downtown. It was near the convention center, don't remember exactly where it was. I also don't think you can park in the one just south of the North Market.
  17. I thought it was just the opposite, hmm. Are you sure? It's not even legal to ride a bicycle on city sidewalks, wouldn't think it'd be legal to park a mc there.
  18. If they don't notice your bike and/or your headlight, what makes you think the color of your helmet makes ANY difference! I had one turn left right in front of me AND a car (in lane next to me on my left) tonight, this yahoo acted like neither of us were there, cut us both off. Some people are just in their own little world when driving, its those people that won't see you no matter what you are wearing.
  19. My thoughts exactly. He had no chance on this one, BUT you can't assume that if you wreck there would have been no saving you, helmet is a must no matter what! (at least for me and my wife, we won't ride without them)
  20. Whoooaaaa, science is cool
  21. After reading about Inyazz, I'm thinkin we shoulda all stayed home this weekend Hopefully he'll be alright! Here is the pic from lunch at Winking Lizard in Peninsula, nice face there MadMax Left to right...Kosmo, MadMax, Thomez, me in the red, Shittygsxr on my right.
  22. Hey guys, i just got back in town a little bit ago, I'll get the picture from Winking Lizzard up in a little while. I had fun on the ride, was nice meeting you all, ShittyGxsr we'll have to get together some other time here in C-bus. Aside from watching Kosmo and his bike flyin thru the air and landin in the brush it was a great time Extremely glad you were not hurt, and the bike seemed to come out of it okay too. That was the first "mishap" (sounds better than accident) I witnessed firsthand, I keep replayin it in my head, from my position (third) I saw it happen as I was at the bottom of the curve, Shittygxsr was mid and Kosmo at the top. In my head I'm like...that did not just happen did it, holly shit that DID just happen. It was very surreal. Anyway. Glad you were not hurt Kosmo!
  23. I'm leaving Friday night after work, hope to be in Lorain before 9pm. If you're gonna go on Saturday maybe we can meet in Lorain around 9:15am and ride up to Rocky River together??
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